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Blanka Colnerič (Author), Janez Jerman (Mentor), Maja Zupančič (Co-mentor)


Osebnostne poteze otrok z motnjo v duševnem razvoju


otroci z motnjo v duševnem razvoju


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [B. Colnerič]
UDC: 376.1(043.2)
COBISS: 10043977 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1314
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Personality traits of children with intellectual disability
Secondary abstract: Intellectual disability (ID) is characterized by significant limitations in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior, identified prior to the age of 18. In the present study we conducted personal interviews with parents to investigate personality traits of children with ID within the framework of the Five-Factor Model (FFM). We used two approaches (free descriptions and psychological questionnaire) and examined personality from two different perspectives (both parents). Although personality of normative children has been a subject of research over the last decades, it is understudied in children with ID. Personality traits may present some of the strengths in children with ID, have relatively high predictive value for important developmental outcomes, and are therefore recommended to be assessed. We explored personality traits with a sample of 100 children with ID from different regions of Slovenia, who were not institutionalized. The results were compared with those obtained with the sample of 111 normative children. The FFM was found useful in examining the personality of children with ID. A majority (70%) of the parental free descriptions of children with ID were coded in FFM categories, whereas responses outside these categories mainly referred to a child´s disability. The proportions of descriptions in the FFM categories for children with ID were significantly lower relative to their normative peers. In children with ID the desired traits (openness, conscientiousness and extraversion) and disagreeableness were rated lower in comparison to normative children. In the context of etiological approach, we mainly compared characteristics of children with Down syndrome (DS) and children with autism. For the two groups and also for a group of physically disabled children with ID, we developed profiles of parent-perceived expression of personality traits in comparison to other children with ID. Children with DS were more frequently described as more sociable and agreeable (amiable), and rated higher on sociability, conscientiousness and openness to experience when assessed with a questionnaire. The differential expression of traits revealed in this study refers to higher levels of positive emotions, consideration and organization. Children with autism are frequently described and rated as high in activity, their parents reported on lower levels of child conscientiousness, sociability and openness to experience in comparison to other children with ID. Expected frequencies of descriptions of children with autism as less agreeable and less emotionally stable were not empirically supported. Children with physical impairment and associated ID were rated lower on activity relative to other children with ID. The differences between etiological groups of children with ID were mainly significant for three FFM dimensions (extraversion, openness and conscientiousness) and their mid-level traits but not for disagreeableness and neuroticism. We discuss possible reasons for the observed differences, compare data with previous findings on the personality of the specific etiological groups of children with ID, and evaluate the work in terms of practical implications. Alongside with study limitations we offer suggestions for further research, since studies on personality of children with ID is scarce, especially in Slovenia.
Secondary keywords: children with intellectual disability
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za specialno in rehabilitacijsko pedagogiko
Pages: XII, 93 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Osebnostne poteze otrok z motnjo v duševnem razvoju
Keywords (ePrints): otroci z motnjo v duševnem razvoju
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): children with intellectual disability
Abstract (ePrints): Motnjo v duševnem razvoju (MDR) opredelimo s pomembnimi primanjkljaji na področju spoznavnega delovanja in socialno prilagojenega vedenja, ki nastopijo v otroštvu oziroma pred 18. letom starosti. V pričujočem delu sem na podlagi dveh pristopov (s prostimi opisi in psihološkim vprašalnikom) v okviru osebnih intervjujev z vidika dveh ocenjevalcev (oba starša) v okviru modela Velikih pet preučila osebnostne poteze otrok z MDR. Preučevanje osebnosti se je pri normativnih otrocih pričelo v zadnjih desetletjih, pri otrocih z MDR še kasneje, osebnostne poteze pa so lahko eno izmed močnih področij otrok z MDR in jih je glede na njihovo napovedno vrednost za različne vidike otrokovega vedenja priporočljivo oceniti. V študiji sem osebnostne poteze preučila pri vzorcu 100 otrok z MDR iz različnih regij Slovenije, ki niso bili institucionalizirani, in jih primerjala s potezami 111 normativnih otrok. Empirično sem podprla uporabnost modela Velikih pet pri preučevanju osebnosti otrok z MDR. Večino starševih prostih opisov otrok z MDR (70 %) sem namreč uvrstila v kategorije Velikih pet, starši pa so pogosto opisovali tudi značilnosti, ki se nanašajo na otrokovo motnjo. V povezavi s tem so posamezne kategorije Velikih pet uporabljali pomembno manj pogosto kot starši normativnih otrok, pri otrocih z MDR pa so s pomočjo vprašalnika izraznost želenih potez (odprtost, vestnost in ekstravertnost) in nesprejemljivosti ocenili nižje kot starši pri normativnih otrocih. V okviru etiološkega pristopa sem primerjala predvsem značilnosti otrok z Downovim sindromom (DS) in otrok z avtističnimi motnjami (AM), za vsako izmed skupin in skupino gibalno oviranih otrok z MDR (GO) pa sem izdelala tudi profil izraznosti osebnostnih potez v primerjavi s preostalimi otroki z MDR. Starši so otroke z DS pogosteje opisovali kot družabne ter visoko sprejemljive (priljubljene) in jih z višjo izraznostjo družabnosti, vestnosti in odprtosti do izkušenj ocenili tudi pri vprašalniku. Od drugih otrok z MDR jih je razlikovala višja raven pozitivnih čustev, uvidevnosti in organiziranosti. Otroke z AM pa so starši opisovali in ocenili predvsem kot visoko dejavne, od ostalih otrok z MDR jih je razlikovala tudi nizko izražena vestnost, družabnost in odprtost do izkušenj. Predvidenih pogostejših opisov otrok AM kot manj sprejemljivih in čustveno manj stabilnih nisem empirično podprla. Otroke z GO so starši v primerjavi z drugimi otroki z MDR ocenili predvsem kot manj dejavne. Sicer se skupine otrok z MDR med sabo razlikujejo predvsem pri treh dimenzijah Velikih pet (ekstravertnosti, odprtosti in vestnosti) in njihovih označevalnih potezah, redko pa pri nesprejemljivosti in nevroticizmu. V delu razpravljam o morebitnih razlogih za ugotovljene razlike, jih primerjam z obstoječimi ugotovitvami o osebnosti posameznih skupin otrok z MDR ter delo ovrednotim z vidika praktične uporabnosti spoznanj. Na podlagi opredeljenih omejitev študije predlagam nadaljnje raziskovanje, saj so raziskave osebnosti otrok z MDR, še posebej v Sloveniji, razmeroma redke.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Intellectual disability (ID) is characterized by significant limitations in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior, identified prior to the age of 18. In the present study we conducted personal interviews with parents to investigate personality traits of children with ID within the framework of the Five-Factor Model (FFM). We used two approaches (free descriptions and psychological questionnaire) and examined personality from two different perspectives (both parents). Although personality of normative children has been a subject of research over the last decades, it is understudied in children with ID. Personality traits may present some of the strengths in children with ID, have relatively high predictive value for important developmental outcomes, and are therefore recommended to be assessed. We explored personality traits with a sample of 100 children with ID from different regions of Slovenia, who were not institutionalized. The results were compared with those obtained with the sample of 111 normative children. The FFM was found useful in examining the personality of children with ID. A majority (70%) of the parental free descriptions of children with ID were coded in FFM categories, whereas responses outside these categories mainly referred to a child´s disability. The proportions of descriptions in the FFM categories for children with ID were significantly lower relative to their normative peers. In children with ID the desired traits (openness, conscientiousness and extraversion) and disagreeableness were rated lower in comparison to normative children. In the context of etiological approach, we mainly compared characteristics of children with Down syndrome (DS) and children with autism. For the two groups and also for a group of physically disabled children with ID, we developed profiles of parent-perceived expression of personality traits in comparison to other children with ID. Children with DS were more frequently described as more sociable and agreeable (amiable), and rated higher on sociability, conscientiousness and openness to experience when assessed with a questionnaire. The differential expression of traits revealed in this study refers to higher levels of positive emotions, consideration and organization. Children with autism are frequently described and rated as high in activity, their parents reported on lower levels of child conscientiousness, sociability and openness to experience in comparison to other children with ID. Expected frequencies of descriptions of children with autism as less agreeable and less emotionally stable were not empirically supported. Children with physical impairment and associated ID were rated lower on activity relative to other children with ID. The differences between etiological groups of children with ID were mainly significant for three FFM dimensions (extraversion, openness and conscientiousness) and their mid-level traits but not for disagreeableness and neuroticism. We discuss possible reasons for the observed differences, compare data with previous findings on the personality of the specific etiological groups of children with ID, and evaluate the work in terms of practical implications. Alongside with study limitations we offer suggestions for further research, since studies on personality of children with ID is scarce, especially in Slovenia.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): children with intellectual disability
ID: 8327994