magistrsko delo
Petra Havaj (Author), Alenka Polak (Mentor)


Timsko delo izvajalcev dodatne strokovne pomoči in osnovnošolskih učiteljev


izvajalci;dodatna strokovna pomoč;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [P. Havaj]
UDC: 376.1:37.091.312(043.2)
COBISS: 10046537 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1245
Downloads: 166
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Teamwork between special education teachers and classroom teachers
Secondary abstract: Providers of extra professional support usually work with children with special needs individually in resource rooms because individual instruction allows them to focus on one’s individual needs. Despite that, teamwork between providers of extra professional support and teachers is necessary. Some foreign surveys show benefits of teamwork, especially team teaching between teachers and special education teachers for children with and without special needs. They believe that children with special needs could receive extra professional support within the classroom because they listen to teachers’ explanation, develop independence and acquire learning habits. Besides that, providers of extra professional support can help other children in the classroom. In the first part theoretical background about teamwork between providers of extra professional support and teachers as well as the effects on children with special needs are presented. The study investigates teamwork especially team teaching experiences of providers of extra professional support and teachers. The study also aims to examine how respondents perceive teamwork, especially team teaching. Furthermore, benefits and problems of teamwork, especially team teaching for students and teachers are presented. In this study, the quantitative and qualitative empirical research complement each other. Questionnaires for providers of extra professional support (N=156) and questionnaires for teachers (N=112) were used to collect the data. Furthermore, semi-structured interviews with providers of extra professional support (N=5) and teachers (N=5) were conducted. Results of quantitative data were processed using SPSS, while qualitative data results were coded. The results indicate that participants are fond of team teaching. I found out that class teachers more often work with providers of extra professional support in comparison to general education teachers when preparing and evaluating individualized education program. The findings show that teachers who have more than 20 years of teaching experience more often use the team teaching approach with providers of extra professional support than teachers with less than 20 years of teaching experience. Likewise, providers of extra professional support, who have between 16 and 20 years of teaching experience, believe that children with special needs and other students in the classroom are, in comparison to individualized instruction, more motivated when two teachers are teaching at the same time. They also agree that team teaching makes children with special needs more active and consequently affects their academic achievements. However, respondents stated some problems related with organization of team teaching. Time for team planning and team evaluating is the biggest problem. The present study has a great applicative value for teaching practice. The results of the research present an insight into current pedagogical practice about different types of extra professional support and teamwork, especially team teaching between teachers and providers of extra professional support. The practical value of the research is that research participants report about positive effects of teamwork, especially team teaching. Therefore, the results of the research have contributed to better understanding of teamwork between providers of extra professional support and teachers. Findings also highlight that different kinds of extra professional support contribute to holistic treatment of children with special needs. This is because individual instruction of children with special needs greatly differs from team teaching but significantly complements with it.
Secondary keywords: team teaching;remedial instruction sciences;primary school;backward child;group work;teacher;specialna pedagogika;timski pouk;osnovna šola;otrok s posebnimi potrebami;skupinsko delo;učitelj;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak.
Pages: 348 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Timsko delo izvajalcev dodatne strokovne pomoči in osnovnošolskih učiteljev
Keywords (ePrints): timsko delo
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): teamwork
Abstract (ePrints): Otroci s posebnimi potrebami so v večini primerov deležni individualne dodatne strokovne pomoči izven oddelka, ker omogoča ustrezno obravnavo in potrebne oblike pomoči. Pri tem je potrebno tudi timsko delo izvajalcev dodatne strokovne pomoči in učiteljev. Nekateri tuji avtorji pa zagovarjajo izvajanje dodatne strokovne pomoči za otroke s posebnimi potrebami v razredu kot timsko poučevanje učiteljev in izvajalcev dodatne strokovne pomoči. Rezultati opravljenih raziskav kažejo, da ima timsko poučevanje številne prednosti za otroke s posebnimi potrebami, saj le-ti sledijo razlagi učitelja, se navajajo na samostojnost pri delu in razvijajo učne navade. Poleg tega lahko izvajalci dodatne strokovne pomoči pomagajo tudi drugim učencem v razredu, saj so strategije pedagoškega dela pri timskem poučevanju učinkovite in primerne za vse učence. Magistrsko delo povzema teoretična izhodišča o timskem delu izvajalcev dodatne strokovne pomoči in učiteljev ter njihovem učinku na otroke s posebnimi potrebami. Z raziskavo sem želela ugotoviti, kakšne so izkušnje izvajalcev dodatne strokovne pomoči in učiteljev s timskim delom, zlasti s timskim poučevanjem in kako timsko delo doživljajo. Nadalje sem preučila, katere prednosti in pomanjkljivosti timskega dela za učence in strokovne delavce zaznavajo anketiranci. Za zbiranje podatkov sem uporabila kombinacijo kvantitativnega in kvalitativnega raziskovanja. Podatke sem pridobila z anketnim vprašalnikom za izvajalce dodatne strokovne pomoči (N=156), z anketnim vprašalnikom za učitelje (N=112) ter s polstrukturiranimi intervjuji (N=10). Zbrane kvantitativne podatke sem obdelala v programu SPSS, kvalitativne pa kodirala z metodo analize vsebine. Rezultati kažejo, da so anketiranci timskemu poučevanju naklonjeni. Ugotovila sem, da učitelji razrednega pouka pogosteje kot učitelji predmetnega pouka timsko načrtujejo in timsko evalvirajo individualizirane programe z izvajalci dodatne strokovne pomoči. Z izvajalci dodatne strokovne pomoči pogosteje timsko poučujejo učitelji, ki imajo več kot 20 let delovne dobe. Izvajalci dodatne strokovne pomoči, ki imajo med 16 in 20 let delovne dobe v vzgoji in izobraževanju menijo, da so otroci s posebnimi potrebami pri timskem poučevanju bolj motivirani kot pri individualnih urah. Prav tako se ti izvajalci dodatne strokovne pomoči najbolj strinjajo, da timsko poučevanje omogoča večjo aktivnost otrok s posebnimi potrebami in posledično prispeva tudi k njihovemu večjemu učnemu napredku. Po drugi strani pa so organizacijske ovire, še posebej čas za timsko načrtovanje in timsko evalvacijo, najpogostejše težave pri timskem poučevanju. Izsledki raziskave v okviru tega magistrskega dela imajo za pedagoško prakso veliko uporabno vrednost. Dobljeni rezultati omogočajo vpogled v trenutno pedagoško prakso v zvezi z različnimi oblikami izvajanja dodatne strokovne pomoči in timskega dela, zlasti timskega poučevanja med učitelji in izvajalci dodatne strokovne pomoči. Uporabna vrednost raziskave je predvsem v tem, da udeleženci raziskave poročajo o pozitivnih učinkih timskega dela, zlasti timskega poučevanja, zato so rezultati pripomogli k boljšemu razumevanju timskega dela izvajalcev dodatne strokovne pomoči in učiteljev. Rezultati raziskave kažejo tudi, da različni načini izvajanja dodatne strokovne pomoči pripomorejo h kakovostnejši celostni obravnavi otrok s posebnimi potrebami, saj se individualna obravnava otrok s posebnimi potrebami ter timsko poučevanje izvajalcev dodatne strokovne pomoči in učiteljev med seboj pomembno razlikujeta in prav zaradi teh razlik delujeta komplementarno.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Providers of extra professional support usually work with children with special needs individually in resource rooms because individual instruction allows them to focus on one’s individual needs. Despite that, teamwork between providers of extra professional support and teachers is necessary. Some foreign surveys show benefits of teamwork, especially team teaching between teachers and special education teachers for children with and without special needs. They believe that children with special needs could receive extra professional support within the classroom because they listen to teachers’ explanation, develop independence and acquire learning habits. Besides that, providers of extra professional support can help other children in the classroom. In the first part theoretical background about teamwork between providers of extra professional support and teachers as well as the effects on children with special needs are presented. The study investigates teamwork especially team teaching experiences of providers of extra professional support and teachers. The study also aims to examine how respondents perceive teamwork, especially team teaching. Furthermore, benefits and problems of teamwork, especially team teaching for students and teachers are presented. In this study, the quantitative and qualitative empirical research complement each other. Questionnaires for providers of extra professional support (N=156) and questionnaires for teachers (N=112) were used to collect the data. Furthermore, semi-structured interviews with providers of extra professional support (N=5) and teachers (N=5) were conducted. Results of quantitative data were processed using SPSS, while qualitative data results were coded. The results indicate that participants are fond of team teaching. I found out that class teachers more often work with providers of extra professional support in comparison to general education teachers when preparing and evaluating individualized education program. The findings show that teachers who have more than 20 years of teaching experience more often use the team teaching approach with providers of extra professional support than teachers with less than 20 years of teaching experience. Likewise, providers of extra professional support, who have between 16 and 20 years of teaching experience, believe that children with special needs and other students in the classroom are, in comparison to individualized instruction, more motivated when two teachers are teaching at the same time. They also agree that team teaching makes children with special needs more active and consequently affects their academic achievements. However, respondents stated some problems related with organization of team teaching. Time for team planning and team evaluating is the biggest problem. The present study has a great applicative value for teaching practice. The results of the research present an insight into current pedagogical practice about different types of extra professional support and teamwork, especially team teaching between teachers and providers of extra professional support. The practical value of the research is that research participants report about positive effects of teamwork, especially team teaching. Therefore, the results of the research have contributed to better understanding of teamwork between providers of extra professional support and teachers. Findings also highlight that different kinds of extra professional support contribute to holistic treatment of children with special needs. This is because individual instruction of children with special needs greatly differs from team teaching but significantly complements with it.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): teamwork
ID: 8327997