diplomsko delo
Petra Gotar (Author), Jera Gregorc (Mentor)


Pomen ravnotežja za varno gibanje v gorah v predšolskem obdobju




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [P. Gotar]
UDC: 796.524-053.4(043.2)
COBISS: 10063433 Link will open in a new window
Views: 913
Downloads: 186
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Importance of balance for safe mountaineering in pre-school period
Secondary abstract: In the thesis we focused on the importance of balance for safe mountaineering. By checking Slovenian and foreign modern literature we highlighted the fundamental motion phase as the key phase for preschool child development. We described main aspects of motoric abilities that develop in preschool period among which we highlighted the importance of balance. We pointed out balance as one of the key abilities (such as eg. endurance) which are needed for safe mountaineering. We wanted to know if it is possible to prepare and execute mountaineering motion tasks in the valley and if fatigue results in poorer balance tasks performance. Therefore we set two main goals: to discover if it is possible to simulate mountaineering motion tasks on the flat and to discover whether fatigue influences the balance in methodical task performance. Using four methodical tasks we analysed 29 children from first and second age group of Dominik Savio Domžale kindergarten. Same tasks were preformed twice, before and after fatigue was induced. Fatigue was induced by a half-hour walk up the hill. Methodical tasks represented the variables in the research. These sample variables are: walking the marked way, walking on different surfaces, jumping from high bases and driving the balance bike. We observed differences between age groups, balance task performance before and after fatigue and influence of different conditions during the performance of balance tasks. Data and children fatigue grades (from 1 to 5) were collected in tables, from which charts were drawn and results comparison was made. We predicted that we can simulate mountaineering movement tasks, the differences between age groups would be noticeable from results and that fatigue would have greater influence on younger children. We proved that we can simulate mountaineering balance tasks on the flat using certain props, but not all the tasks. There are various factors (eg. rocks, narrow paths, weather conditions) that we cannot find in the valley. Results show the influence of fatigue on balance. We noticed that children performed methodical units of balance development poorer when tired and that results of older children were slightly better than those of younger children. Younger children get tired earlier than older but the differences are not statistically significant.
Secondary keywords: pre-school child;open air activities;predšolski otrok;dejavnosti na prostem;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: 37 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Pomen ravnotežja za varno gibanje v gorah v predšolskem obdobju
Keywords (ePrints): planinstvo
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): mountaineering
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomskem delu smo se osredotočili na pomen ravnotežja za varno gibanje v gorah. Skozi prerez slovenske in tuje sodobne literature smo izpostavili temeljno gibalno fazo kot ključno fazo, v kateri se razvija predšolski otrok. Opisali smo glavne značilnosti motoričnih sposobnosti, ki jih otrok razvija v predšolskem obdobju, še posebej pa smo izpostavili ravnotežje. Poudarili smo, da je ravnotežje ena ključnih sposobnosti (poleg npr. vzdržljivosti), ki jih potrebujemo pri varni hoji v gore. Glede na opredeljen problem, smo si zastavili cilja, in sicer ugotoviti, ali lahko v dolini pripravimo enake gibalne izzive, kot jih najdemo v planinstvu in ugotoviti, ali utrujenost vpliva na ravnotežje oziroma na izvajanje metodičnih nalog. S pomočjo štirih metodičnih nalog smo analizirali 29 otrok prve in druge starostne skupine iz vrtca Dominik Savio Domžale. Iste naloge smo opravili dvakrat, in sicer pred in po obremenitvi. Otroke smo utrudili s polurnim sprehodom ob vznožju in jih ponovno preizkusili v nalogah, ki so predstavljale spremenljivke. Vzorec spremenljivk so predstavljale: hoja po označeni poti, hoja po različnih podlagah, skoki iz višjih podlag in vožnja s poganjalcem. Opazovali smo razlike med starostnima skupinama in razvoj ravnotežja pred in po utrujenosti ter pogoje, v katerih smo pripravili ravnotežnostne naloge. Podatke in ocenjevanje otrok od 1 do 5 smo vpisali v tabelo in izrisali grafe ter rezultate med seboj primerjali. Predvidevali smo, da se lahko približamo podobnim gibalnim izzivom kot jih najdemo v gorah, da bodo opazne razlike med prvo in drugo starostno skupino in da bo utrujenost bolj vplivala na mlajše skupine, kar bo vidno pri drugih rezultatih. Dokazali smo, da lahko pripravimo v dolini ravnotežnostne naloge, ki so podobne gorskim, s pomočjo pripomočkov, vendar ne vseh. V gorah najdemo različne razmere, ki nas lahko presenetijo (kamenje, ozka pot, utrujenost, vremenski pojavi …), ki jih v dolini ni. Rezultati so pokazali, da utrujenost vpliva na ravnotežje. Opazili smo, da so otroci po utrujenosti metodične enote za razvoj ravnotežja izvajali slabše in da imajo starejši otroci nekoliko boljše rezultate kot mlajši. Mlajši otroci se hitreje utrudijo kot starejši, vendar razlike niso statistično pomembne.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In the thesis we focused on the importance of balance for safe mountaineering. By checking Slovenian and foreign modern literature we highlighted the fundamental motion phase as the key phase for preschool child development. We described main aspects of motoric abilities that develop in preschool period among which we highlighted the importance of balance. We pointed out balance as one of the key abilities (such as eg. endurance) which are needed for safe mountaineering. We wanted to know if it is possible to prepare and execute mountaineering motion tasks in the valley and if fatigue results in poorer balance tasks performance. Therefore we set two main goals: to discover if it is possible to simulate mountaineering motion tasks on the flat and to discover whether fatigue influences the balance in methodical task performance. Using four methodical tasks we analysed 29 children from first and second age group of Dominik Savio Domžale kindergarten. Same tasks were preformed twice, before and after fatigue was induced. Fatigue was induced by a half-hour walk up the hill. Methodical tasks represented the variables in the research. These sample variables are: walking the marked way, walking on different surfaces, jumping from high bases and driving the balance bike. We observed differences between age groups, balance task performance before and after fatigue and influence of different conditions during the performance of balance tasks. Data and children fatigue grades (from 1 to 5) were collected in tables, from which charts were drawn and results comparison was made. We predicted that we can simulate mountaineering movement tasks, the differences between age groups would be noticeable from results and that fatigue would have greater influence on younger children. We proved that we can simulate mountaineering balance tasks on the flat using certain props, but not all the tasks. There are various factors (eg. rocks, narrow paths, weather conditions) that we cannot find in the valley. Results show the influence of fatigue on balance. We noticed that children performed methodical units of balance development poorer when tired and that results of older children were slightly better than those of younger children. Younger children get tired earlier than older but the differences are not statistically significant.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): mountaineering
ID: 8328019