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Jana Rešeta (Author), Iztok Devetak (Mentor)


Vpliv vodenega aktivnega učenja kemije na kakovost razumevanja nekaterih kemijskih pojmov pri štirinajstletnikih


trajnostno znanje;učna motivacija;aktivno učenje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [J. Rešeta]
UDC: 54:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 10062153 Link will open in a new window
Views: 870
Downloads: 186
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The active-guided learning influence on the quality of the fourteen-year-old students chemical concepts
Secondary abstract: Teachers try to introduce chemistry concepts to pupils in a comprehensible way by implementing new active forms of teaching into the traditional type of lessons, in a way that the pupils’ active participation in lessons is ensured. One of the active forms of teaching includes a new teaching approach called GALC – Guided Active Learning in Chemistry, which is presented in detail in the thesis. By implementing various work methods during lessons, teachers provide an additional motivation for pupils to learn chemistry. The theoretical part describes the learning of chemistry concepts by connecting three levels (macro, submicro and symbol levels) and lists certain research projects whose authors examined pupils’ incorrect and incomplete comprehension of chemistry concepts. This is followed by the description of the differences between traditional lessons and modern active lessons. The empirical part includes the comparison of the results of the tests taken by the pupils in the experimental group with the GALC teaching approach and by the pupils in the control group with traditional lessons. The research involved 118 pupils at two elementary schools in central Slovenia in the school year 2010/2011. After a month, the pupils retook the tests; the results revealed the influence of the new teaching approach on the pupils’ comprehension of certain chemistry concepts and the lastingness of their knowledge. Results show that the pupils in the experimental group were more successful compared to the pupils in the control group, both in the first test and the test taken later on. The pupils in the experimental group showed to have a more lasting knowledge of new chemistry concepts than the pupils in the control group. Furthermore, the pupils in the experimental group were more motivated to learn new chemistry concepts than the pupils in the control group who more or less merely passively received new information. At the end of the research, the pupils in both groups completed a questionnaire on their attitude towards chemistry and ways they learn chemistry. The pupils in the experimental group completed another questionnaire on the implementation of the lesson in which they assessed the new GALC teaching approach. Most of the pupils liked it and found it interesting and comprehensible; they also liked having been able to work independently in groups.
Secondary keywords: science education;primary school;chemistry;naravoslovna vzgoja in izobraževanje;osnovna šola;kemija;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Biotehniška fak., Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, Naravoslovnotehniška fak., Kemija in biologija
Pages: 81 f.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Vpliv vodenega aktivnega učenja kemije na kakovost razumevanja nekaterih kemijskih pojmov pri štirinajstletnikih
Keywords (ePrints): vodeno aktivno učenje kemije – VAUK
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): Guided Active Learning in Chemistry – GALC
Abstract (ePrints): Učitelj poskuša učencem predstaviti kemijske pojme na razumljiv način, zato se trudi v tradicionalni pouk vključevati nove aktivne učne oblike poučevanja, kjer so učenci sami aktivno vključeni v pouk. Eden izmed aktivnih načinov poučevanja je tudi novi učni pristop VAUK – vodeno aktivno učenje kemije, ki je podrobneje predstavljen v diplomskem delu. Učitelj, ki med poukom vključuje različne metode dela, tako še dodatno motivira učence k učenju kemije. V teoretičnem delu je opisano učenje kemijskih pojmov s pomočjo povezave treh ravni (makro, submikro in simbolne ravni), predstavljene so tudi nekatere raziskave, v katerih so raziskovalci proučevali učenčeva napačna in nepopolna razumevanja kemijskih pojmov. V nadaljevanju so opisane razlike med tradicionalnim poukom in sodobnim aktivnim poukom. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela je opisana primerjava rezultatov preizkusov znanja učencev v eksperimentalni skupini, ki so bili izpostavljeni učnemu pristopu VAUK, in rezultatov učencev v kontrolni skupini, ki so imeli običajni tradicionalni pouk. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 118 učencev dveh osnovnih šol v osrednji Sloveniji v šolskem letu 2010/2011. Po enem mesecu so učenci pisali ponovno isti preizkus znanja in rezultati so pokazali, kakšen vpliv ima novi učni pristop poučevanja in učenja na učenčevo razumevanje nekaterih kemijskih pojmov in na njihovo trajnost znanja. Rezultati kažejo, da so bili učenci eksperimentalne skupine uspešnejši kot učenci kontrolne skupine, tako na preizkusu znanja kot v poznem preizkusu znanja. Učenci v eksperimentalni skupini so izkazali trajnejše znanje novih kemijskih pojmov kot učenci v kontrolni skupini. Prav tako so bili učenci v eksperimentalni skupini bolj motivirani za učenje novih kemijskih pojmov kot učenci v kontrolni skupini, kjer so bolj ali manj le pasivno sprejemali nove informacije. Ob koncu raziskave so učenci obeh skupin izpolnili vprašalnika o odnosu do kemije in kako se učijo kemijo. Učenci eksperimentalne skupine pa so izpolnili še dodatni vprašalnik o izvedbi učne ure, kjer so ocenjevali novi učni pristop VAUK. Večini učencev je bila nova oblika poučevanja in učenja zanimiva in razumljiva, všeč jim je bilo samostojno delo v skupini.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Teachers try to introduce chemistry concepts to pupils in a comprehensible way by implementing new active forms of teaching into the traditional type of lessons, in a way that the pupils’ active participation in lessons is ensured. One of the active forms of teaching includes a new teaching approach called GALC – Guided Active Learning in Chemistry, which is presented in detail in the thesis. By implementing various work methods during lessons, teachers provide an additional motivation for pupils to learn chemistry. The theoretical part describes the learning of chemistry concepts by connecting three levels (macro, submicro and symbol levels) and lists certain research projects whose authors examined pupils’ incorrect and incomplete comprehension of chemistry concepts. This is followed by the description of the differences between traditional lessons and modern active lessons. The empirical part includes the comparison of the results of the tests taken by the pupils in the experimental group with the GALC teaching approach and by the pupils in the control group with traditional lessons. The research involved 118 pupils at two elementary schools in central Slovenia in the school year 2010/2011. After a month, the pupils retook the tests; the results revealed the influence of the new teaching approach on the pupils’ comprehension of certain chemistry concepts and the lastingness of their knowledge. Results show that the pupils in the experimental group were more successful compared to the pupils in the control group, both in the first test and the test taken later on. The pupils in the experimental group showed to have a more lasting knowledge of new chemistry concepts than the pupils in the control group. Furthermore, the pupils in the experimental group were more motivated to learn new chemistry concepts than the pupils in the control group who more or less merely passively received new information. At the end of the research, the pupils in both groups completed a questionnaire on their attitude towards chemistry and ways they learn chemistry. The pupils in the experimental group completed another questionnaire on the implementation of the lesson in which they assessed the new GALC teaching approach. Most of the pupils liked it and found it interesting and comprehensible; they also liked having been able to work independently in groups.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): Guided Active Learning in Chemistry – GALC
ID: 8328025