diplomsko delo
Nika Šuc (Author), Tjaša Filipčič (Mentor)


Vpliv prilagojenega alpskega smučanja na vključevanje v družbo


prilagojeno alpsko smučanje;osebe z gibalno oviranostjo;zadovoljstvo z življenjem;športna identiteta;vključevanje v družbo;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [N. Šuc]
UDC: 796.926:376(043.2)
COBISS: 10073929 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1370
Downloads: 249
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Impact of adapted alpine skiing on integration into society
Secondary abstract: Alpine skiing is one of the most common and popular winter sports. It is accessible to the general crowd of people, who acquire adequate knowledge of physical ability and ski equipment. It also can be a great form of socializing, connecting with others, spend quality leisure time and much more. The purpose of the thesis is to present how the integration of adapted sports activities - alpine skiing impact on life satisfaction, self-esteem, sports identity and social integration of persons with physical disability against individuals who were not included or are not engaged regularly with adapted physical activity. The study, which covered Slovenian recreational adaptive alpine skiers and control group, we found that some aspects of subjective well being, self-esteem and sports identity are statistically significant between the research and the control group . All differences militate in favor of persons who are active in sports. They have better self-esteem, they are more satisfied with life and have a significantly higher sports identity. They spend their free time in the company of family or friends and take advantage of quality leisure time. In addition to the survey questionnaire, we collected demographic data and stratification characteristics, we used Diener scale of subjective life satisfaction, Tennessee scale for identifying self-esteem and a questionnaire to determine the identity of the sport.
Secondary keywords: invalid;sport;physical handicap;self-concept;šport;telesna prizadetost;samopodoba;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika
Pages: 96 f.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Vpliv prilagojenega alpskega smučanja na vključevanje v družbo
Keywords (ePrints): prilagojeno alpsko smučanje
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): adapted alpine skiing
Abstract (ePrints): Alpsko smučanje je eden izmed najbolj razširjenih in priljubljenih zimskih športov. Dostopen je širši množici ljudi, ki si pridobijo ustrezno gibalno znanje in smučarsko opremo. Prav tako pa je lahko odlična oblika druženja, povezovanja z drugimi, kakovostno preživet prosti čas in še marsikaj drugega. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti, kako vključevanje v prilagojeno športno dejavnost – alpsko smučanje – vpliva na zadovoljstvo z življenjem, samopodobo, športno identiteto in vključevanje v družbo oseb po poškodbi v primerjavi s posamezniki, ki se po poškodbi niso vključili ali se ne ukvarjajo redno s prilagojeno športno dejavnostjo. V raziskavi, kjer so bili zajeti slovenski rekreativni smučarji in kontrolna skupina, smo ugotovili, da so v nekaterih pogledih subjektivnega zadovoljstva z življenjem, samopodobo in športno identiteto statistično pomembne razlike med raziskovalno in kontrolno skupino. Vse razlike govorijo v prid osebam, ki so športno aktivne. Imajo boljšo samopodobo, so bolj zadovoljni v življenju in imajo izrazito višjo športno identiteto. Svoj prosti čas preživljajo v družbi družine ali prijateljev in ga kakovostno izkoriščajo. V anketnem vprašalniku smo poleg zbranih demografskih podatkov in stratifikacijskih značilnosti uporabili Dienerjevo lestvico subjektivnega zadovoljstva z življenjem, Tennessee lestvico za ugotavljanje samopodobe in vprašalnik za ugotavljanje športne identitete.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Alpine skiing is one of the most common and popular winter sports. It is accessible to the general crowd of people, who acquire adequate knowledge of physical ability and ski equipment. It also can be a great form of socializing, connecting with others, spend quality leisure time and much more. The purpose of the thesis is to present how the integration of adapted sports activities - alpine skiing impact on life satisfaction, self-esteem, sports identity and social integration of persons with physical disability against individuals who were not included or are not engaged regularly with adapted physical activity. The study, which covered Slovenian recreational adaptive alpine skiers and control group, we found that some aspects of subjective well being, self-esteem and sports identity are statistically significant between the research and the control group . All differences militate in favor of persons who are active in sports. They have better self-esteem, they are more satisfied with life and have a significantly higher sports identity. They spend their free time in the company of family or friends and take advantage of quality leisure time. In addition to the survey questionnaire, we collected demographic data and stratification characteristics, we used Diener scale of subjective life satisfaction, Tennessee scale for identifying self-esteem and a questionnaire to determine the identity of the sport.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): adapted alpine skiing
ID: 8328043