Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Pile dwellers of the Ljubljana Moors as a social subject in the 5th grade of the nine-year elementary school |
Secondary abstract: |
Pile dwellers inhabited the area of Ljubljana Marshes, which was then a lake, between the mid fifth and mid second millennia BC. They built the villages and houses on wooden piles, hammered into the ground, usually on the periphery of the lake. They were among the oldest builders of permanent settlements. Pile dweller food was very diverse. They survived on forestry, hunting and fishing. Later these activities were supplemented by farming and animal husbandry. They produced mostly grains and bread livestock – cattle, sheep, goats, pigs. Pile dwellers made clay pottery and accessories like scoops and spoons. They were also good metallurgists. From metals they produced weapons, tools and ornaments. An important find from the pile dwelling period is the oldest discovered wheel with an axle, which is more than 5.100 years old. Pile dwellings from the Ljubljana Marshes were added to the UNESCO World Heritage list, along with other prehistoric pile dwelling around the Alps.
The didactic part of the thesis includes the preparation for a two hour appearance, performed in the 5th grade of elementary school, and an analysis of hours performed.
The practical part covers the evaluation of additional content, which the teachers can offer to students while addressing pile dwellers and the evaluation of the education offered by museums and societies. Included in this part is also an interview with Alenka Jeraj, the president of society Društvo Fran Govekar Ig. |
Secondary keywords: |
primary education;local studies;osnovnošolski pouk;domoznanstvo; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk |
Pages: |
64 str., [1] str. pril. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Koliščarji Ljubljanskega barja kot družboslovna vsebina v 5. razredu devetletne osnovne šole |
Keywords (ePrints): |
koliščarji |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
pile dwellers |
Abstract (ePrints): |
Koliščarji so območje Ljubljanskega barja – takratnega jezera – naseljevali od sredine 5. do sredine 2. tisočletja pred našim štetjem. Vasi oziroma hiše so postavljali na lesene kole, zabite v tla, po navadi na obrobju jezera. Bili so med najstarejšimi graditelji stalnih naselbin. Koliščarska prehrana je bila precej pestra. Ukvarjali so se z nabiralništvom, lovom in ribolovom, kasneje sta te dejavnosti dopolnila še poljedelstvo in živinoreja. Pridelovali so predvsem žita in redili domače živali: govedo, ovce, koze in prašiče. Koliščarji so iz gline izdelovali glineno posodje ter pripomočke, kot so zajemalke in žlice. Bili so tudi dobri metalurgi. Iz kovin so izdelovali orodje, orožje in okrasne predmete. Pomembno najdbo iz koliščarskega obdobja predstavlja najstarejše najdeno kolo z osjo, ki je staro več kot 5100 let. Kolišča z Ljubljanskega barja so bila leta 2011 skupaj z drugimi prazgodovinskimi kolišči okoli Alp dodana na Unescov seznam svetovne kulturne dediščine.
Didaktični del diplomskega dela zajema učno pripravo na dvourni nastop, ki je bil izveden v 5. razredu osnovne šole, ter analizo izvedenih ur.
V praktičnem delu je predstavljeno vrednotenje dodatnih vsebin, ki jih lahko učitelji posredujejo učencem pri obravnavi koliščarjev, ter vrednotenje pedagoške ponudbe, ki jo ponujajo muzeji in društva. Temu delu je dodan intervju z Alenko Jeraj, predsednico Društva Fran Govekar Ig. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
Pile dwellers inhabited the area of Ljubljana Marshes, which was then a lake, between the mid fifth and mid second millennia BC. They built the villages and houses on wooden piles, hammered into the ground, usually on the periphery of the lake. They were among the oldest builders of permanent settlements. Pile dweller food was very diverse. They survived on forestry, hunting and fishing. Later these activities were supplemented by farming and animal husbandry. They produced mostly grains and bread livestock – cattle, sheep, goats, pigs. Pile dwellers made clay pottery and accessories like scoops and spoons. They were also good metallurgists. From metals they produced weapons, tools and ornaments. An important find from the pile dwelling period is the oldest discovered wheel with an axle, which is more than 5.100 years old. Pile dwellings from the Ljubljana Marshes were added to the UNESCO World Heritage list, along with other prehistoric pile dwelling around the Alps.
The didactic part of the thesis includes the preparation for a two hour appearance, performed in the 5th grade of elementary school, and an analysis of hours performed.
The practical part covers the evaluation of additional content, which the teachers can offer to students while addressing pile dwellers and the evaluation of the education offered by museums and societies. Included in this part is also an interview with Alenka Jeraj, the president of society Društvo Fran Govekar Ig. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
pile dwellers |
ID: |
8328045 |