diplomska naloga
Jure Pirc (Author), Aleš Krainer (Mentor), Janko Logar (Thesis defence commission member), Dušan Žagar (Thesis defence commission member), Živa Kristl (Co-mentor), Mateja Dovjak (Co-mentor)


Kvaliteta notranjega zraka postaja vse pomembnejši aspekt pri snovanju objektov. Vse novogradnje težijo k temu, da bi bile energetsko kar se da učinkovite in neodvisne. V ta sklop prištevamo tudi učinkovit sistem prezračevanja. Ob nepravilnem načrtovanju prezračevanja lahko pride do problema slabe kakovosti notranjega zraka, kar se posledično odrazi v nezadovoljstvu in s tem povezanim sindromom bolne stavbe. Namen diplomskega dela je izvesti primerjalno študijo kakovosti notranjega zraka med montažno in klasično grajenim vrtcem v Grosuplju. Objektivna ocena je podana z meritvami koncentracij CO2, temperature in relativne vlažnosti zraka na izbrane merilne dni. Poleg terensko dobljenih podatkov sta koncentracija CO2 v notranjem zraku in pretok zraka izračunana s pomočjo računalniškega programa CONTAM. Subjektivna ocena kvalitete notranjega zraka je izvedena s pomočjo anket. Kakovost notranjega zraka je v obeh vrtcih slaba. Boljše vrednosti povprečne, maksimalne in minimalne koncentracije CO2 so dosežene v novejšem, montažnem vrtcu. Računan pretok zraka v prostoru je boljši v klasično grajenem vrtcu. Simulirane in merjene koncentracije CO2 so podobne. Subjektivni rezultati ocene kvalitete notranjega zraka se deloma ujemajo z rezultati objektivne ocene. Karakteristične vrednosti koncentracij CO2 redko dosežejo vrednosti, ki so zahtevane v Pravilniku o prezračevanju in klimatizaciji stavb. Pretok zraka pri nobeni meritvi ne doseže zakonske zahtevane vrednosti. Za boljšo kvaliteto notranjega okolja, bi bilo potrebno spremeniti prezračevalne navade ali spremeniti način prezračevanja z naravnega na mehanskega.


gradbeništvo;diplomska naloga;UNI;kvaliteta notranjega zraka;koncentracija CO2;prezračevanje;vrtec;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [J. Pirc]
UDC: 697.9(043.2)
COBISS: 6642017 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2481
Downloads: 919
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Study of indoor air quality in prefabricated and classically built kindergarten
Secondary abstract: Indoor air quality is gaining on its significance when designing new buildings. Buildings have to be energy efficient and independant. One of the important aspects in this matter ventilation. Insufficient ventilation system can cause problems with poor indoor air quality, which can reflect in user dissatisfaction. A comparitive study of indoor air quality in prefabricated and classically built kindergarten is the forefront of this graduation thesis. Objective evaluation of indoor air quality was estimated by site measuring (CO2 concentrations, relative air humidity and air temperature) and calculations. Subjective evaluation was conducted through questionnaires. The results show that indoor air quality in both kindergartens is poor. Better values of CO2 concentrations were obtained at prefabricated kindergarten. Air flow is better in classically built kindergaten. Calculated and measured CO2 concentrations are comparative. The results of questionnaires partially confirmed the measures and calculated results. Values of the CO2 concentrations rarely reach required values of Ventilation and airconditioning regulations for buildings. All measurements shows low and insufficient air flow. To improve indoor air quality in both kindergartens, the ventilation habits or ventilation type should be changed.
Secondary keywords: indoor air quality;CO2 concentraction;ventilation;kindergarten;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XVII, 70 str., 2 pril.
ID: 8636186