magistrsko delo
Klemen Kerstein (Author), Victor Kennedy (Mentor), Igor Žiberna (Co-mentor)


Analysis of the scientific background in science fiction is one of the approaches used to determine the depth of science represented in the texts. Both qualitative and quantitative parameters are taken into account when one analyzes the stories. The general idea is to examine how scientifically accurate or inaccurate the text is, and how well is a scientific field, proportionally speaking, is covered in the stories. Analysis of science fiction literature on climate change yields rather similar results. In general, the texts are dark and melancholic. Time wise, the stories are future oriented and accompanied by retrograde implications. As far as the science is concerned, the length of the texts is inversely proportional to the quantity of the science. Most of the stories deal with the phenomenon of global warming, with human activity being the main reason for such occurrence. Both causes and effects are relatively well covered, though the effects appear to be predominant. Besides anthropogenic impact in general, the other frequently addressed causes are changes caused by increased carbon dioxide concentrations, methane emissions and chlorofluorocarbon emissions. Effects such as sea-level rise, temperature rise, ice melting, floods, droughts, animal migration, animal re-adaptation, and vegetation and urban changes, are commonly used in the setting of the stories.


American literature;science fiction;climate change;Welcome to the greenhouse;The windup girl;master theses;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [K. Kerstein]
UDC: 821.111(73).09-311.9:551.583(043.2)
COBISS: 20995848 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1614
Downloads: 204
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Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: ǂA ǂliterary analysis of the science behind climate change fiction
Secondary abstract: Analiza znanosti v znanstveni fantastiki je eden izmed pristopov k določanju globine znanosti prisotne v besedilih. Pri tem so upoštevani tako kvalitativni kot kvantitativni parametri. V splošnem želimo pri tem pristopu raziskati kako znanstveno natančno ali nenatančno je določeno besedilo, in kako močno je znanstveno področje, proporcionalno govorjeno, zastopano v besedilih. Analiza znanstvenofantastičnih del, ki temeljijo na klimatskih spremembah, pokaže dokaj podobne rezultate. V splošnem velja, da so besedila temačna in melahnolična. Gledano iz časovnega vidika so zgodbe osredotočene na prihodnost, z retrogradnimi implikacijami. V večini primerov je dolžina zgodb obratno sorazmerna s količino znanosti. Večji del zgodb se ukvarja z globalnim segrevanjem kot posledica človekove aktivnosti. Tako vzroki kot posledice so v besedilih razmeroma dobro zajeti, le s to razliko, da je večji poudarek namenjen posledicam. Poleg antropogenih vplivov v besedilih zaznamo še spremembe, ki so posledica povečanih koncentracij CO2, emisij metana in emisij plinov CFC. Za ozadje besedil so najpogosteje uporabljene naslednje klimatske posledice: dvig morske gladine, dvig temperature, taljenje ledu, poplave, suše, migracije živali, asimilacija živali in vegetacijske ter urbane spremembe.
Secondary keywords: ameriška književnost;znanstvena fantastika;podnebne spremembe;Welcome to the greenhouse;The windup girl;literarne študije;magistrska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko
Pages: 65 f.
ID: 8680586