delo diplomskega seminarja
Marko Krebl (Author), Barbara Bradač Hojnik (Mentor)


V diplomski nalogi se osredotočimo na analizo trenutne priložnosti podjetja Gores, d. o. o. Po vzoru faznega modela analiziramo trenutne faze podjetja in ugotovimo, da je podjetje uspešno preživelo prvi dve fazi ter si v tem času nabralo precej izkušenj na področju podjetništva, se postavilo na noge neodvisno od Gorenja in preživelo. Podjetje je sedaj prešlo v novo fazo, fazo rasti. V teoretičnem delu naloge spoznamo, da vsi avtorji proučenih strokovnih del to fazo opisujejo kot najpomembnejšo za podjetje, saj ta v primeru uspešne izvedbe povzroči velik preskok in podjetju omogoči prehod v fazo rasti, ki si je želijo vsi. Ta preskok pa je povezan s pomembnim načrtovanjem strategije rasti, ki vse aktivnosti podjetja usmerja k uspešni rasti. V primeru proučevanega podjetja pa je treba analizirati tudi druge dejavnike, specifične prav zanj. Vsaka rast podjetja je torej specifična, vendar mora biti izpeljana v okviru obstoječih teoretični strategij in vprašanj, povezanih z danimi možnostmi. Pri izbiri strategije upoštevamo vse specifične dejavnike in preverimo, ali je podjetje pripravljeno na določeno obliko rasti. Pri tem pridemo do spoznanja, da je v našem primeru najprimernejša generična rast. Upoštevati pa je treba tudi nevarnosti rasti. V našem primeru ugotovimo, da bi rast ogrozila poslovanje podjetja v primeru prevelikega obsega storitev in prevelikega tržnega deleža, ko podjetje v praksi več ne bi moglo obvladovati vseh najemnikov, prihodkov in stroškov.


rast podjetja;razvoj podjetja;strateški management;modeli;strategija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Krebl]
UDC: 005.412
COBISS: 12223004 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1277
Downloads: 190
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of growrh opportunities for company Gores, d.o.o.
Secondary abstract: The main focus in this diploma is the analysis of opportunities that company Gores has right now. With the help of the phase model of growth we analyzed the current phases of growth and came to conclusion that the company has already successfully overcome the first two phases and that in this time it has gathered quite a lot of experiences in entrepreneurship, became independent from Gorenje, and survived on the market. In the meantime company has overcome into another phase, the phase of growth. For this phase we have realized that all the authors of professional literature summarize this as the most important phase of growth, as only this phase is capable of leading company into growth and development if it is managed correctly and can lead the company into the all wanted phase of consistent growth. But this overcome in growth is linked to important planning of growth strategy which is responsible for all activities in this phase that are reliable for growth. So every growth of company is specific but it has to be done in existing theoretic strategy growth frames and linked to questions frequently asked in relationships with growth. When choosing the right strategy it is very important also to take notice of every specific factor in this case and replay to every question of growth. With the help of this method we came to the conclusion that the most sufficient strategy of growth is generic growth. No matter to all good points of growth there are still dangers that growth brings them with itself. In this case we have predicted that it could happen when the company would reach its size limit and become impossible to control, its tenants, incomes and costs.
Secondary keywords: Analysis of growth opportunities;growth model;growth strategies;generic growth;diversified growth;growth with purchase of franchise or license;growth opportunities for company Gores d.o.o.;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 38 str.
ID: 8680604
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