diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Organizacija in management informacijskih sistemov
Rok Likar (Author), Uroš Rajkovič (Mentor)


V svoji nalogi sem se poglobil v problematiko nenadzorovane uporabe mobilnih naprav v podjetjih in nenadzorovanega dostopa do omrežij, dokumentov, elektronske pošte in informacijskega sistema nasploh. Poleg opisa problema s teoretičnega vidika in prikaza na praktičnem primeru v izbranem podjetju sem želel prikazati način za uspešno reševanje omenjene problematike kot celovito sistemsko rešitev skupaj z implementacijo in testiranjem v praksi. Največji problem so predstavljale lastniške naprave, kjer ni bilo nadzora nad nameščanjem aplikacij, nad delovanjem teh aplikacij in nad uporabo teh naprav v službenem okolju oz. omrežju. Vpeljava uporabe mobilnih naprav za službene namene je predstavljala tudi nevarnost za celoten informacijski sistem, v katerem je bilo treba zasnovati varno infrastrukturo in pravilno arhitekturo, saj je bilo tem napravam omogočeno povezovanje z javnega omrežja praktično od kjerkoli na svetu. V diplomski nalogi sem prikazal rešitev problema z vpeljavo več namenskih strežnikov v LAN in DMZ omrežje podjetja. Omogočili smo uporabo mobilnih naprav za službene namene, obenem pa zagotovili enako varnost, kot je bila pred vpeljavo rešitve. Rezultat diplomske naloge se je pokazal v polni integraciji mobilnih naprav v omrežje in informacijski sistem podjetja, pri kateri smo predpisali pravila za izbor naprav, pravila za uporabo funkcij mobilnih naprav in pravila za uporabo aplikacij ter določili način povezave v informacijski sistem podjetja. Tako smo uporabnikom omogočili delo preko mobilnih naprav brez skrbi namenskega in nenamenskega odliva podatkov navzven.


mobilne naprave;BYOD;SAP Afaria;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [R. Likar]
UDC: 004.4
COBISS: 7383059 Link will open in a new window
Views: 731
Downloads: 112
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: This thesis focuses on the problem of uncontrolled usage of mobile devices in companies and uncontrolled access to enterprise networks, documents, e-mails and the enterprise information system in general. Besides describing the problem from a theoretical point of view and showing a practical example from a chosen company, I wanted to showcase an efficient solution of the above-mentioned problem as a comprehensive system solution, together with implementation and testing. The biggest identified problem were personal mobile devices with no control over the installation of applications, the operation of these applications, and the use of these devices in a corporate environment or network. Using these devices for business purposes presented a security risk for the entire information system, in which a secure infrastructure with proper architecture had to be designed, as these devices were able to connect from a public network from practically anywhere in the world. The thesis showcases the solution of the problem by introducing a number of dedicated servers into the LAN and DMZ network of the company. We enabled the use of mobile devices for business purposes, and at the same time provided the same level of security as before the implementation of the solution. The result of the thesis is a full integration of mobile devices into the network and the information system of the company, for which rules regarding the choice of devices, the use of the mobile devices’ functions and the applications’ use as well as the connection type to the company’s information system have been determined. This way, the users were able to use their mobile devices for business purposes without any fear of intentional or unintentional data outflow.
Secondary keywords: mobile devices;BYOD;SAP Afaria;Android;security;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 47 f.
ID: 8700695
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