magistrsko delo


Namen naloge je bil vzpostaviti tkivno kulturo plazeče zelene (Apium repens (Jacq.) Lag.) iz semen, pridobljenih iz botaničnega vrta Kew v Veliki Britaniji, in vpeljati postopek hitrega razmnoževanja z mikropropagacijo. Za naše potrebe smo priredili protokol za mikropropagacijo španskega ekotipa plazeče zelene. Ekotip plazeče zelene iz Velike Britanije smo primerjali z ekotipom rastlin iz Španije. Na osnovno gojišče MS smo dodajali različne kombinacije in koncentracije rastnih regulatorjev BAP, 2iP, IBA in NAA. Rast in razvoj smo spremljali tako, da smo merili naslednje lastnosti: višina rastlin, število brstov, število stolonov, število novonastalih brstov na rastlinah in na stolonih, dolžina in število korenin. Plazeča zelena je najbolje uspevala na kontrolnem osnovnem gojišču MS brez rastnih regulatorjev. Največ brstov se je tvorilo na gojiščih MS s kombinacijo 2%M BAP in 0,5%M IBA ter s kombinacijo 2%M BAP in 0,5%M NAA. Korenine so se tvorile na vseh vcepkih na gojišču brez rastnih regulatorjev in z njimi. Zakoreninjene poganjke smo prestavili v zemljo, kjer se je uspešno aklimatiziralo vsaj 50 % rastlin.


Apium repens;plazeča zelena;tkivna kultura;mikropropagacija;kobulnice;Apiaceae;ekotip;ogrožene vrste;redke vrste;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [K. Bašič]
UDC: 581.16:582.795(41)(043.2)
COBISS: 21019400 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2172
Downloads: 191
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Micropropagation of Apium repens ecotype from Kew, United Kingdom
Secondary abstract: The aim of the work was to establish a tissue culture and a micropropagation procedure of the creeping marshwort (Apium repens) obtained from The Royal Botanic Gardens Kew in United Kingdom. The objective of our study was to find out if the ecotype from Great Britain behaves the same as the ecotype from Spain. The tissue culture was established from seeds. We tested the effect of different growth regulators on the plant%s growth and development. Growth regulators that were added to the MS basic medium were: BAP, 2iP, IBA and NAA. We measured the plant%s height, the number of stolons, buds and roots and the length and the dispersion of roots. The majority of buds developed on the MS media by the use of the combination 2 %M BAP and 0.5%MIBA and of the combination 2 %M BAP and 0.5 %M NAA. The most successful plants grew on the MS medium without any added growth regulators. All plants developed roots no matter if there were any growth regulators used or not. Rooted plants were transferred to potting soil in which more than 50% of plants successfully survived acclimatization.
Secondary keywords: Apium repens;micropropagation;tissue culture;ecotype;Apiaceae;rare species;master theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za biologijo
Pages: VII, 53 f.
ID: 8700698