(diplomsko delo)
Tomaž Pečolar (Author), Vladimir Topler (Mentor), Barbara Donik (Co-mentor)


Izhodišča: Za odkrivanje in zdravljenje raka prostate je na voljo več pristopov. Pomembna je individualna obravnava in ustrezna priprava pacienta na proces zdravljenja. Namen diplomskega dela je bil predstaviti obravnavo pacienta z malignim obolenjem prostate. Metodologija: Empirični del diplomskega dela je bil osnovan na kvalitativni metodi dela. Obravnavali smo pacienta po operaciji malignega obolenja prostate. Po modelu Marjory Gordon smo pripravili intervju z vprašanji odprtega tipa. Raziskavo smo izvedli na urološkem oddelku Splošne bolnišnice Slovenj Gradec. Podatke smo pridobili s preučevanjem medicinske in negovalne dokumentacije, s pogovorom in opazovanjem pacienta ter s pogovorom z člani zdravstvenega in negovalnega tima. Rezultati: Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da ustrezno informiranje pacienta o njegovi bolezni in dobra psihofizična priprava na zdravljenje malignega obolenja prostate pomembno zmanjšuje strah in skrb pacienta. Najpogostejši negovalni problemi pri pacientu po operaciji prostate so nevarnost infekcije, obstipacija, nepopolna mobilnost in zmanjšana zmožnost za osebno higieno po operaciji, motnje spanja, bolečina, strah, moteno doživljanje telesne podobe in stresni sindrom zaradi zamenjave okolja. Diskusija in zaključki: Dejstvo je, da ima prostata pomembno funkcijo v moškem telesu in da število obolelih iz leta v leto narašča. Pojav prvih znakov in simptomov še vedno ni zadosten razlog za obisk urologa, prav tako se premalo starejših moških odloča za preventivni pregled prostate. Pomembno je, da je prebivalstvo ozaveščeno o možnih obolenjih prostate, pri tem lahko veliko pripomorejo medicinske sestre z zdravstveno vzgojnim delom.


prostata;maligni karcinom;pacienti;onkologija;preiskave;operativni poseg;zdravstvena nega;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: T. Pečolar]
UDC: 616.65-006-083(043.2)
COBISS: 2069924 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1765
Downloads: 337
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Baseline: For detection and treatment of prostate cancer are several approaches. In the healing process individual examination and adequate preparation of the patient is important. The purpose of the thesis was to present the treatment of patients with malignant prostate disease. Methodology: The empirical part of the thesis was based on qualitative method of work. We dealt with the patient after the surgery of malignant prostate disease. We used Marjory Gordon's model and prepared an interview with open-ended questions. The study was carried out on Urology Department in General Hospital Slovenj Gradec. Data were obtained by studying the medical and nursing documentation, observation of the patient, observation of conversation with patient and consultation with members of the medical staff and nursing team. Results: Research has shown that adequate information to the patient about his disease and good psychophysical preparation for the treatment of malignant prostate disease, significantly reduces anxiety and concern of the patient. The most common problems in patient care after prostate surgery is the risk of infection, constipation, incomplete mobility and reduced ability for personal hygiene. Also common are sleep disorders, pain, anxiety, altered perception of body image and stress syndrome due to replacement of the environment. Discussion and conclusions: The fact is that prostate gland has an important function in the male body and the number of patients with prostate cancer is getting higher every year. The first signs and symptoms of the disease are still not a sufficient reason to visit an urologist, as well as the lack of older men who choose preventive examination of the prostate. It is important that the population is informed about the possible diseases of the prostate, with that a lot of help can be nurses with medical educational work.
Secondary keywords: prostate;malignant carcinoma;patient;oncology;investigations;surgery;nursing;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: VI, 55 f., 11 f. pril.
ID: 8701200