magistrsko delo
Tomaž Miklavčič (Author), Andrej Černe (Mentor), Anton Prosen (Thesis defence commission member), Alma Zavodnik Lamovšek (Thesis defence commission member)


V magistrskem delu so obravnavani programi evropskega transnacionalnega teritorialnega sodelovanja. Orisan je razvoj teritorialnega sodelovanja v Evropi, njegovi nameni in cilji ter povezanost med razvojem programov in razvojem evropskih prostorsko razvojnih ciljev ter dokumentov. Obravnavano je še vključevanje Slovenije v tovrstne programe in njena uspešnost. Opisane so vrste rezultatov in njihova uporaba po zaključku projektov. Naloga obravnava tudi dolgoročne učinke projektov ter njihov vpliv na prostorski razvoj. V nalogi so navedeni nekateri vplivi ter opisana problematika opazovanja tovrstnih dolgoročnejših vplivov, ki so predvsem zaradi narave projektov v okviru katerih se ne izvajajo večje investicije ter njihovega tematsko in geografsko zelo razpršenega delovanja težko merljivi. Magistrsko delo obravnava dve delovni hipotezi. - Hipoteza 1: Rezultati projektov so redko neposredno uporabljeni pri vsakodnevnih delovnih aktivnostih projektnih udeležencev po zaključku projektnih aktivnosti. Praktična uporaba rezultatov je manjša, kot bi lahko bila, oziroma obstaja razlika med v projektih predvidenimi ter dejansko doseženimi učinki. - Hipoteza 2: Velika uspešnost slovenskih organizacij pri vključevanju v projekte transnacionalnega teritorialnega sodelovanja je posledica zgodnjega vključevanja Slovenije v programe transnacionalnega sodelovanja ter posledično krepitve institucionalnih in osebnih omrežij v projekte vključenih projektnih partnerjev. Pri pripravi dela so uporabljene deskriptivne metode ter kvalitativna analizo z uporabo ankete kot orodja za ugotavljanje vzrokov ter uspešnosti sodelovanja v projekte vključenih organizacij ter oceno uporabljivosti rezultatov projektov. Po vsebini so projekti programov transnacionalnega sodelovanja zelo različni. Najpogosteje projekti obravnavajo teme, povezane z okoljsko problematiko, varstvom narave in kulturne dediščine, preprečevanjem naravnih nesreč in tveganj, s klimatskimi spremembami; temami s področja prostorskega in regionalnega razvoja, razvoja podeželja ter razvoja mest; temami s področja prometa, mobilnosti in logistike; s podporo informacijski družbi, malim in srednje velikim podjetjem ter projekti s področja turizma. Njihove vsebinske in izvedbene razlike se odražajo v veliki heterogenosti doseženih rezultatov. Rezultati projektov in njihovi vplivi so zato zelo razpršeni po različnih področjih.


geodezija;magistrska dela;evropsko teritorialno sodelovanje;teritorialna kohezija;prostorski razvoj;regionalni razvoj;evropski skladi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [T. Miklavčič]
UDC: 11.4:061.1EU(043.3)
COBISS: 6683489 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1695
Downloads: 382
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Impacts of transnational territorial cooperation on spatial development
Secondary abstract: The Master thesis deals with the issue of European territorial cooperation programmes. It outlines the development of European territorial cooperation, its goals and objectives as its linkages to processes of evolution of European territorial development goals and documents. The involvement of Slovenia in transnational cooperation programmes and its successfulness are discussed in the paper. The thesis describes types of results delivered by projects and their further use after the projects closure. Longer lasting effects of projects and its results as its possible impacts to territorial development are treated. Some impacts are listed and the problem of observation and measurement of territorial impacts is described. Due to the nature of the project that are not investment orientated and deliver results that are thematically as geographically dispersed, observation of impacts is problematic. Master thesis deals with two working hypotheses: - Hypothesis 1: The results of the projects are rarely directly used in the daily work of project participants after the completion of project activities. The practical application of the results is less than it could have been, or there is a difference between the projects planned and actual effects achieved. - Hypothesis 2: Great success of Slovenian organizations to engage in projects of transnational territorial cooperation is the result of an early integration of Slovenia into transnational cooperation programs and, consequently strengthening the institutional and personal networks in projects involving project partners. In preparing the thesis descriptive methods and qualitative analysis were used as a tool for determining the effectiveness of cooperation in projects involved organizations, the reasons for their inclusion, the assessment of the performance of the integration and assessment of the applicability of the project results.The contents of the projects of transnational cooperation programs are very diverse. Most often, projects are addressing topics as environment, protection of nature and cultural heritage, disaster prevention and risk to climate change; spatial and regional development, rural development and urban development; transport, mobility and logistics, small and medium- sized enterprises and tourism related projects. Their substantive and operational differences are reflected in the large heterogeneity of the results obtained. The results of the projects and their impacts are highly geographically dispersed.
Secondary keywords: geodesy;master of science thesis;European territorial cooperation;territorial cohesion;spatial development;regional development;European funds;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XIX, 145 str., 11 pril.
ID: 8707694