diplomska naloga
Sanja Habazin (Author), Mitja Košir (Mentor), Bogdan Zgonc (Thesis defence commission member), Živa Kristl (Co-mentor)


V diplomski nalogi sem raziskovala parametre, ki igrajo ključno vlogo pri klasifikaciji neke stavbe v energijski razred in raziskavo izvedla na vzgojnoizobraževalnem objektu Osnovne šole Šmarjeta. Predvsem zaradi sprememb v zakonodaji, splošnega varovanja okolja in dragih energentov se trend gradnje in obnove stavb usmerja v nizkoenergijske objekte, zato je tematika diplomske naloge zelo aktualna. V konkretnem primeru me je zanimalo, kateri parametri so najbolj odločilni pri energetski prenovi in kako vplivajo na porabo energije za ogrevanje prostorov, pripravo sanitarne vode ipd. Za oceno obstoječega in saniranega stanja sem uporabila računalniška programa TEDI in TOST, ki ju je razvila Katedra za stavbe in konstrukcijske elemente UL FGG. Z njima sem izračunala faktor toplotne prehodnosti konstrukcijskih sklopov, koeficient specifičnih transmisijskih izgub, letno rabo primarne energije, letno potrebno toploto za ogrevanje ter letni potrebni hlad za hlajenje - za obstoječe stanje in stanje po prenovi stavbe. Ugotovila sem, da so različni ukrepi, ki jih izvedemo pri sanaciji, različno učinkoviti. S kombinacijo teh ukrepov sem znižala letno potrebno toploto za ogrevanje skoraj za polovico, vendar stavba kljub temu ne zadosti vsem pogojem, ki jih mora izpolnjevati nizkoenergijska stavba. Prišla sem do zaključka, da vsake stavbe ob sanaciji vendarle ni mogoče racionalno spremeniti v nizkoenergijski objekt in da toga zakonodaja ni prizanesljiva do takih primerov.


diplomska naloga;UNI-B;gradbeništvo;nizkoenergijska stavba;faktor toplotne prehodnosti;letna potrebna toplota za ogrevanje;transmisijske izgube;ventilacijske izgube;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [S. Habazin]
UDC: 699.86:727:373(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 6560609 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1929
Downloads: 489
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of influencing factors on the design of low-energy building in the case of educational facility
Secondary abstract: In graduation thesis I investigated the parameters that play a key role in the classification of a building in energy class and carried out a survey on the educational facility Osnovna šola Šmarjeta. Mainly due to changes in legislation, the general protection of the environment and expensive energy, construction and renovation trend of buildings focuses on low-energy buildings and that is why the thesis topic is very relevant. In this case, I was wondering which parameters are most crucial for energy renovation and how they affect on energy consumption for space heating, hot water, etc. In order to assess the existing and renovated state I used a computer program TEDI and TOST, developed by the Department of Building and construction elements UL FGG. With TOST and TEDI I calculated the heat transfer factor of construction elements, specific heat loss coefficient, the annual primary energy consumption, annual heat required for heating and annual energy required for cooling – for existing situation and the situation after renovation of the building. I found that the various measures, which are carried out at renovation, are effective differently. With the combination of these measures, I managed to lower the annual heat required for heating by almost half, but the building still does not meet all requirements to be met by low-energy buildings. I came to conclusion that each building at energy renovation, can not be rationally transformed into low-energy facility and rigid law is not lenient to such cases.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;civil engineering;low-energy building;heat transfer factor;annual heat required for heating;transmission losses;ventilation losses;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XI, 44 str., 7 pril.
ID: 8707720