diplomsko delo
Špela Ivanuša (Author), Matej Sande (Mentor)


V diplomski nalogi obravnavam pojav in značilnosti uporabe prepovedanih drog in alkohola v vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodih. Pri tem sem se osredotočila na mladostnike, ki bivajo v srednješolskih vzgojnih zavodih. V teoretičnem uvodu sem obravnavala splošno problematiko uporabe drog in alkohola med mladimi v zadnjem obdobju ter to prenesla v okvir vzgojnih zavodov v Sloveniji. Osredotočila sem se na ukrepe vzgojnih zavodov glede uporabe drog in alkohola ter na morebitne rešitve na tem področju. Na podlagi teorije sem skušala načrtovati empirični del, saj sem želela povezati potrebe mladostnikov in storitve, ki jih nudi sistem vzgojnih zavodov. V empiričnem delu sem uporabila kvalitativno metodologijo, pri kateri sem s pomočjo intervjujev opravila raziskavo v fokusnih skupinah. Fokusne skupine so vključevale mladostnike, ki bivajo v srednješolskih vzgojnih zavodih. V raziskavi sem ugotavljala značilnosti uporabe drog v vzgojnih zavodih in tveganja, ki jih mladostniki zaznavajo v vzgojnih zavodih glede uporabe drog in alkohola. Zanimalo me je, kakšne ukrepe zavod izvaja glede uporabe drog in alkohola ter kakšno pomoč nudi mladostnikom, ki imajo na tem področju težave. Kot dodatek k moji raziskavi sem opravila pogovore tudi s svetovalno službo zavoda in z vodjo svetovalnice v organizaciji DrogArt. Izjave mladostnikov sem interpretirala ter povezala z odgovori svetovalne službe in vodje svetovalnice, pri čemer sem skušala potrebo po pomoči, ki jo čutijo mladostniki, povezati s storitvami in ukrepi vzgojnega zavoda. Ugotovitve sem povzela v sklepih in predlagala svoja priporočila oziroma morebitne rešitve, ki bi jih lahko uporabili v prihodnosti.


droge;mladostniki;vzgojni zavodi;totalne institucije;ukrepi zavoda;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [Š. Ivanuša]
UDC: 343.811-053.6(043.2)
COBISS: 10221897 Link will open in a new window
Views: 854
Downloads: 153
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Drug use in juvenile educational institutions
Secondary abstract: In my diploma thesis I deal with phenomena and characteristics relating to the use of illegal drugs and alcohol in residential treatment institutions. My main focus was on young people residing in secondary school educational institutions. In the theoretical introduction, I treated the general problematic of drug and alcohol use among young people in the recent period within the framework of residential treatment institutions in Slovenia. I focused on the measures taken by residential treatment institutions regarding drug and alcohol use and on potential solutions in this area. I based my empirical part on theory, as I wanted to make a connection between the needs of young people and the services offered by the system of residential treatment institutions. In the empirical part, I used a qualitative methodology, where I implemented the use of interviews to conduct my research of focus groups. These focus groups included youngsters who reside in secondary school residential treatment institutions. In this research, I strove to identify the characteristics of drug use in educational institutions and the risks of drug and alcohol use perceived by young people in these institutions. My interest was focused on the type of measures taken by institutions regarding drug and alcohol use and what kind of help these institutions offer young people who have problems in this area. As an addition to my research, I conducted interviews with counsellors working in individual institutions and with the head of counselling in the organization DrogArt. I interpreted the statements made by students and drew a correlation with the answers given by the counselling service and the head of counselling, in order to make a connection between the help sought after by young people and the services and measures taken by residential treatment institutions. In the final part of the thesis, I summarized my findings and in the conclusion proposed my own recommendations and possible solutions that may be considered in the future.
Secondary keywords: community home;drug addiction;alcohol;vzgojni dom;zasvojenost z drogami;alkohol;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Pages: 58 str.
ID: 8707970