diplomska naloga
Martina Perdih (Author), Alma Zavodnik Lamovšek (Mentor), Bojan Stopar (Thesis defence commission member), Polona Pavlovčič Prešeren (Thesis defence commission member), Mojca Kosmatin Fras (Thesis defence commission member), Mojca Foški (Co-mentor)


Namen diplomske naloge je predstaviti in analizirati spremembe osnovne in podrobne namenske rabe prostora občin Tolmin in Kanal na podlagi sprejetih prostorskih aktov, ki se nanašajo na spremembe in dopolnitve prostorskih sestavin srednjeročnega in dolgoročnega družbenega plana občin, urbanistične načrte in občinska prostorska načrta. Omejili smo se na obdobje od leta 1982 do 2012. Osnovno namensko rabo smo izdelali in analizirali za celotni območji občin, podrobno pa le za naselja Tolmin z okolico ter Kanal in Deskle z okolico. Obdelane podatke smo prikazali na kartah v merilu 1:75000 in 1:50000, za osnovno namensko rabo prostora, ter 1:7500 in 1:17500 za podrobno namensko rabo prostora. Za vse kategorije namenske rabe prostora smo izračunali površine in njihove deleže glede na obravnavana območja, razlike med površinami ter naredili primerjavo površin s številom prebivalstva v posamezni občini. Uporabili smo število prebivalstva iz leta 2002 in 2014. Rezultati so pokazali zmanjšanje območij stanovanj in najboljših kmetijskih zemljišč ter povečanje območij centralnih dejavnosti, proizvodnih dejavnosti in zelenih površin.


geodezija;diplomska naloga;UNI;GIG;občina Tolmin;občina Kanal;osnovna in podrobna namenska raba;prostorske sestavine srednjeročnega in dolgoročnega družbenega plana;urbanistični načrt;občinski prostorski načrt;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [M. Perdih]
UDC: 711.1:352(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 6657633 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1727
Downloads: 503
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of changes in land use based on the selected indicators in the case of municipalities Tolmin and Kanal
Secondary abstract: The purpose of this study is to present and analyze the changes of basic, and land use on the space of the municipalities Tolmin and Kanal. It is based on the accepted spatial acts, which refer to the changes and completions of the spatial components of the middle-term and long-term social plan for the municipalities, the urban plans and the municipal spatial acts. The study is limited to the period between the years 1982 and 2012. The basic use is made out and analyzed for the entire area of both municipalities, whereas the land use only for town Tolmin with its surroundings and towns Kanal and Deskle with their surroundings. The basic use is represented on the maps in scale 1:75000 and 1:50000 and land use on the maps in scale 1:7500 and 1:17500. Calculations were made for surfaces and their parts of the entire area for all categories of basic and land use. Also differences between the surfaces and comparison of surfaces to the number of inhabitants were calculated. For analyzing results was used number of inhabitants from the years 2002 and 2014. The results show decrease of residential areas and best agricultural lands, but on the other side, increase of precincts of the central activities, activities of production and the green areas.
Secondary keywords: geodesy thesis;municipality Tolmin;municipality Kanal;basic and land use;spatial components of the middle-term and long-term social plan;urban plan;municipal spatial act;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XI, 36 str., 9 pril.
ID: 8708195