medkulturna primerjava


V diplomskem delu primerjamo poslušanje v razredu v različnih kulturah ter poskušamo ugotoviti, če obstajajo kakšne podobnosti in razlike. V teoretičnem delu najprej predstavimo španski in slovenski šolski sistem, v katerih smo preiskovali potek poslušanja. Ker sta slovenska in španska kultura dokaj različni, saj veljajo Španci za temperamenten in glasen narod, nas je zanimalo kako se to odraža v razredu. Zanimalo nas je kakšen pomen pripisujejo poslušanju učitelji in kako se kot poslušalci ocenjujejo učenci. V nadaljevanju poslušanje definiramo, opredelimo dobrega poslušalca ter opredelimo različne vrste poslušanja s poudarkom na poslušanju v šoli. V empiričnem delu smo poskušali odgovoriti na tri raziskovalna vprašanja, in sicer ali obstaja razlika v poslušanju pri pouku med učenci v različnih kulturah, ali obstaja razlika v poslušanju med spoloma ter kako razumejo pomen poslušanja učitelji. V raziskavi so sodelovali osnovnošolski učenci in učitelji: 36 slovenskih učencev, 37 španskih učencev ter 9 slovenskih in španskih učiteljev. Podatke od učencev smo pridobili s pomočjo štiri-stopenjske ocenjevalne lestvice z učitelji pa smo izvedli intervjuje. Iz dobljenih rezultatov smo ugotovili, da kljub nekaterim razlikam v poslušanju pri pouku med slovenskimi in španskimi učenci ni pomembnih razlik v poslušanju, so pa pomembne razlike med povprečji odgovorov deklic in dečkov (t-test). Iz analize intervjujev, ki smo jih naredili z učitelji v obeh državah, se je izkazalo, da se vprašani učitelji iz Španije zavedajo pomena poslušanja in prepoznavajo probleme, ki jih imajo z učenci, še posebej na začetku pouka. Slovenski učitelji pa pogosteje navajajo probleme, ki jih imajo s poslušanjem učencev ob koncu pouka, ko jim motivacija upade.


slovenski šolski sistem;španski šolski sistem;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [J. Verbanac]
UDC: 373.3(497.4:460)
COBISS: 10247241 Link will open in a new window
Views: 664
Downloads: 164
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Listening in the classroom – intercultural comparison
Secondary abstract: The following thesis compares the listening in the classroom in different cultures and tries to determine their similarities and differences. For an easier understanding, the theoretical part shall firstly introduce both investigated educational systems: Slovenian and Spanish. The fact that the Slovenian and Spanish culture are indeed quite different, because Spanish people are known for being very temperament nation. And that is what we wanted to research in the classroom. How teachers see listening and what are evaluation of students. We will continue with definition what listening actually is, what a good listener is like, we define different types of listening, and address the issue of listening in school. In the empirical part we will try to answer three main research questions, namely whether there is a difference in listening in the classroom between students in different cultures, whether there is a difference in listening between the both sexes and how the importance of listening is understood and interpreted by teachers. Our study included 73 pupils: 36 from primary school in Slovenia and 37 from primary school in Spain, and 9 teachers, who teach at both of these schools. We got details for our study with four-level claim scale and analysis of structured interview. According to the results, we found out that in spite of some differences between students who come from different cultures there have been no statistically significant differences proven, since the students achieved the same results with analysis of variance. But there are some statistical important differences between two sexes. The test actually showed that the girls are better listeners than the boys are. From the analysis of the interviews that we have made with teachers from both countries, it has been shown that the Spanish teachers are more aware of the importance of listening, they identify problems with it, especially at the beginning of class day wherein differentiate with Slovenian teachers. Those have mainly problems with listening at the end of class day, when motivation decrease.
Secondary keywords: classroom climate;listening;pupil behaviour;teacher;razredno vzdušje;poslušanje;vedenje učencev;učitelj;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: 60 str.
ID: 8708228
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