da ali ne?
Tina Čampa (Author), Darja Zorc-Maver (Mentor)


V procesu individualizacije so mladi postali odgovorni za oblikovanje svojega življenjskega poteka, svobodno se odločajo in oblikujejo lastne biografije. Zato se jih spodbuja v kvalitetno preživljanje prostega časa, hkrati pa se s tem spodbuja neformalno učenje. Mladostnike se poskuša pripraviti, da mladostniška leta izkoristijo za odkrivanje življenjskih priložnosti, za učenje socialnih veščin, pridobivanje izkušenj ter za usmerjene dejavnosti, ki jim bodo v prihodnosti v pomoč pri vstopanju v svet odraslih. Mladinski centri so tako ena izmed oblik mladinskega povezovanja v družbi in v svojem diplomskem delu sem se posvetila prav tej obliki. Mladi se neformalno izobražujejo, urijo v veščinah organiziranja, soodločanja in sodelovanja, hkrati pa sodelujejo kot akterji družbenega dogajanja in sodelujejo z lokalnim okoljem. V sklopu raziskovalnega dela sem ugotavljala, kakšne so potrebe mladih v občini, kako preživljajo prosti čas in kakšna je ponudba prostočasnih dejavnosti. Raziskovala sem, katera so področja delovanja mladinske politike, ali mladi izražajo potrebo po ustanovitvi mladinskega centra in kakšne so realne možnosti za ustanovitev le tega. Ugotovitve sem povezala z primeroma dobre prakse dveh mladinskih centrov. Ugotovila sem, da področje mladinske politike v občini ni definirano in urejeno. Ponudba in raznolikost prostočasnih dejavnosti je slaba, velika večina mladih pa kljub drugačnemu mnenju občinske uprave, izraža potrebo po mladinskem centru.


mladostniki;mladinska politika;mladinsko delo;mladinski centri;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Čampa]
UDC: 379.8:364.4-053.6(043.2)
COBISS: 10259017 Link will open in a new window
Views: 787
Downloads: 172
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The youth centre in the Municipality of Ivančna Gorica – yes or no?
Secondary abstract: During the process of individualisation the youngsters have become responsible for creating their own course of life, making their own choices and forming their own biographys. This is is the reason why they are encouraged to spend their free time in a quality manner, from which they can also benefit in a form of informal studying. Youngsters are being advised to use their teenage years to discover their own opportunities, learn social skills, get new experiences and participate in activities that will help them upon entering the world of adults. Youth centres are therefore one of the forms of youth networking within a society and are the point of interest in my disertation. They are also a place where youngsters can receive informal education, improve their skills organisation, decision-making skills and learn to collaborate together, all while actively participating in the society and collaborating with the local environment. In the experimental part of my desertation I was identifying the needs of youngsters in our municipality, how they spend their free time and what free-time activities can they choose from. I researched the working areas of youth politics and whether the youngsters feel the need for a youthe centre, and also if there are any chances of establishing a youth centre in the municipality. I connected my findings to different cases of good practice from two youth centres. I found out that the area of youth politics is not well defined in this specific municipality and that the activities that are offered are not very diverse. Contrary to the beliefs of the municipality officials, the majority of youngsters does feel the need for a youth centre.
Secondary keywords: youth centre;leisure;mladinski center;prosti čas;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fakulteta
Pages: 105 str.
ID: 8708246