diplomska naloga
Aleksandar Šašić Kežul (Author), Mojca Kosmatin Fras (Mentor), Bojan Stopar (Thesis defence commission member), Tomo Cerovšek (Co-mentor), Aleš Lazar (Co-mentor)


Glavni namen diplomske naloge je opis postopka ugotavljanja in prikaza poškodb fasade objekta, iz podatkov terestričnega laserskega skeniranja. Naloga temelji na praktičnem primeru in sicer na primeru gradu Borl, ki spada med kulturne spomenike državnega pomena. V teoretičnem delu naloge je opredeljena kulturna dediščina in varstvo kulturne dediščine ter opisana sestava konservatorskega načrta. Kratko je opisana tudi tehnologija terestričnega laserskega skeniranja in uporaba le te v kulturni dediščini. V nadaljevanju je predstavljen obravnavan objekt grad Borl, ob tem pa so podani podatki o zajemu objekta s terestričnim laserskim skeniranjem. Praktični del naloge je razdeljen na obdelavo podatkov v programu Revit Architecture in obdelavo v programu Geomagic. V Revit Architecture so opisani osnovni postopki dela z oblakom točk, v Geomagic-u pa so podrobneje predstavljeni posamezni postopki obdelave oblaka točk za prikaz poškodb na fasadi objekta.


geodezija;diplomska naloga;UNI;GIG;kulturna dediščina;terestrično lasersko skeniranje;oblak točk;poškodba fasade;Revit;Geomagic;grad Borl;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: A. Šašić Kežul
UDC: 528.7:528.9(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 6802785 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2418
Downloads: 752
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Mapping of a building facade damage from the terrestrial laser scanning point cloud
Secondary abstract: The main intention of the thesis is the description of the assessment procedure and the display of a building facade injuries from terrestrial laser scanning data. The task is based on the practical case, namely on the case of Borl Castle, which is one of the cultural monuments of national importance. In the theoretical part of the thesis the cultural heritage and the protection of cultural heritage is defined and the contents of the conservation plan is described. Briefly, the terrestrial laser scanning technology and its use in cultural heritage is also described. In addition the Borl castle is presented, as well as details of its terrestrial laser scanning in the field. The practical part is divided into data processing in the program Revit Architecture and in the program Geomagic. For processing in the Revit Architecture only basic operations with a point cloud are presented, but for the Geomagic the steps of a point cloud processing, aiming to extract the damage of the facade, is presented in more detail.
Secondary keywords: cultural heritage;terrestrial laser scanning;point cloud;facade damage;Revit;Geomagic;castle Borl;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: VIII, 32 str., 1 pril.
ID: 8708275