diplomsko delo
Urša Urankar (Author), Ana Gostinčar-Blagotinšek (Mentor), Jerneja Pavlin (Co-mentor)


Na podlagi lastnih izkušenj in pogovorov z vzgojiteljicami sem ugotovila, da je še vedno redko zaznati načrtovanje fizikalnih aktivnosti za predšolske otroke. To je bil povod, da sem zasnovala akcijsko raziskavo o zvoku za predšolske otroke. Aktivnosti so bile povezane s temo zvok, z njimi pa sem otrokom omogočila aktivno sodelovanje pri odkrivanju in spoznavanju lastnosti zvoka, njegovem nastajanju in širjenju. Zanimalo me je, kako aktivnosti o zvoku vodijo otroke do zastavljenih učnih ciljev in v kolikšni meri otroci prek aktivnosti usvojijo pojme, ki jih povezujemo z zvokom. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela so predstavljeni pomen zgodnjega učenja naravoslovja, učna vsebina zvoka in akcijsko raziskovanje. Na podlagi študije literature in izkušenj sem oblikovala strukturiran intervju za preverjanje otrokovih predstav o zvoku. Glede na dobljene odgovore so bile naprej načrtovane aktivnosti, ki sem jih izvedla v skupini devetnajstih otrok, starih od štiri do pet let. Vsaka aktivnost je analizirana in prikazuje, kako so otroci sodelovali in sprejemali novo znanje. Posamezna analiza aktivnosti pa je usmerjala načrtovanje naslednje aktivnosti. Po koncu izvajanja aktivnosti sem še enkrat preverila predstave otrok z istimi vprašanji strukturiranega vprašalnika kot pred izvajanjem aktivnosti. Analiza dobljenih rezultatov o predstavah otrok o zvoku pred in po izvedenih aktivnostih, poveznih z zvokom, nakazuje, da so se predstave otrok o pojmih, povezanih z zvokom, dopolnile ali spremenile. Presenetili so z znanjem o poteku zvoka od uhlja do možganov. Pokazalo se je, da predšolski otroci sicer slišijo oziroma razlikujejo višje in nižje tone, ampak lastnosti še ne ubesedijo kot višino in jo v večini pripisujejo glasnosti.




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [U. Urankar]
UDC: 373.2.016:534.3(043.2)
COBISS: 10379849 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1256
Downloads: 147
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Activities with sound for preschool children
Secondary abstract: Personal experience and discussions with kindergarten teachers show that physics activities for preschool children are planned quite rarely. To this end, we devised an action research on sound for preschool children. The activities were related to the topic of sound, which enabled the children to actively discover and become acquainted with the properties of sound, how it is produced and how it travels. We examined how sound-related activities help children achieve the learning objectives and influence their preconceptions. The theoretical part of the thesis points to the significance of early science education, learning content related to sound, and action research. We developed a structured interview on the basis of relevant literature and experience to explore the preconceptions of children about sound. Moreover, the answers were used as a basis for the activities that were conducted in a group of 19 children aged from 4 to 5 years. The analysis of all the activities showed how the children participated in the activities and accepted the acquired knowledge. Each activity was analysed and used in the planning of the next activity. When the activities were completed, we once again carried out the same structured interview to evaluate the children's conceptions. The analysis of their conceptions about sound before and after the activities indicates that their preconceptions were extended or changed. Children were successful in describing the path of sound from the outer ear to the brain. It transpired that preschool children are able to hear and distinguish higher and lower tones, but fail to verbalise this property that they usually attribute to sound loudness.
Secondary keywords: pre-school child;science education;sound;predšolski otrok;naravoslovna vzgoja in izobraževanje;zvok;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: 69 str.
ID: 8708409