diplomsko delo
Namen diplomske naloge je bil prikazati koristnost monitoring sistemov in kako se vremenske razmere odražajo v panju. Oblikovali smo opazovalno postajo v čebelnjaku in izpeljali meritve. Zanimalo nas je, kako vreme vpliva na razmere v panju in kakšne so razlike v temperaturi pri dveh zaporednih dneh. Pri tem smo uporabili podatke, pridobljene v slabem in lepem vremenu. Temperaturo smo merili na sredini in robu panja. Ugotovili smo, da so največja odstopanja temperature, ne glede na vreme, na robu panja. Za večjo bazo podatkov smo iz spletne strani HOBOS zbrali še podatke o pomladnih in poletnih temperaturah v panju. Slednji podatki so nam omogočili primerjavo temperatur v panju med hladnejšimi in toplejšimi dnevi. Vreme pri nižjih temperaturah (pomladi) v veliki meri ni vplivalo na temperaturo v panju. Slednje pa ne velja pri višjih poletnih temperaturah. Izračunali smo tudi čas, ki je potreben, da zunanja temperatura vpliva na temperaturo v panju. V povprečju je bil časovni zamik najvišji v sredini panja, najnižji pa na robu. Poleg temperatur in izračuna časovnega zamika smo beležili tudi podatke o vlažnosti panja. Vlažnost v panju je v sredini panja konstantna, večja odstopanja so na robu. V panju je pri nižjih temperaturah vlažnost višja. Prevelika vlažnost v panju vodi do razvoja bolezni in plesni, kar je za čebeljo družino lahko pogubno.
medonosna čebela (apis mellifera carnica);monitoring;odmiranje čebeljih družin;čebelnjak;vremenske razmere;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2014 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty |
Publisher: |
[A. Štembergar Zupan] |
UDC: |
638.141:502/504(043.2) |
Views: |
1056 |
Downloads: |
232 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Use of electronic hive for observation of changes in environment |
Secondary abstract: |
The purpose of the thesis was to demonstrate the usefulness of monitoring systems and how are the weather conditions reflected in the beehive. We have set up a monitoring station and carried out different measurements. We were interested in the influences of weather conditions on the hive and in the differences of the temperatures in two consecutive days. We have used data gathered in good and bad weather. We measured the temperature in the middle and at the edge of the beehive. We discovered that the biggest deviations in temperature occured at the edge of the beehive, regardless of weather.To get a larger database we also took data from the HOBOS website for spring and summer beehive temperatures. This data enabled us to compare temperatures in the beehive in colder and wormer days. Most of the time cold weather (spring) did not influence beehive temperature, but this was not the case with the higher summer temperatures. We have also calculated the time needed for external temperature to influence the beehive temperature. In average, the biggest time delay occurred in the middle of the hive, and the smallest at its edge. Along with the temperature and time delay, we have also recorded beehive humidity data. The humidity was constant in the middle of the hive, larger deviations occured at the edge. Humidity was higher at cold temperatures. If the humidity is too high, disease and mold can appear, which can be fatal for a bee colony. |
Secondary keywords: |
environment;climate;okolje;podnebje; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Biotehniška fak., Biologija in gospodinjstvo |
Pages: |
VIII, 67 f., [12] f. pril. |
ID: |
8708430 |