diplomska naloga
Mojca Čebul (Author), Andrej Kryžanowski (Mentor), Janko Logar (Thesis defence commission member)


Diplomsko delo obravnava oceno energetskega potenciala na reki Paki z izgradnjo mHE in je nastalo na podlagi zgodovinskih načrtov iz leta 1917, ki so predidevali izgradnjo mHE na izbrani lokaciji. Namen naloge je podati oceno energetskega potenciala z današnjimi razmerami in nadalje oceniti stroške investicije. V prvem delu je opisan pomen hidroenergije v Sloveniji in njen zgodovinski razvoj. V drugem delu smo opisali obstoječe stanje, analizirali hidrologijo in opravili geodetske meritve. V programu HEC RAS smo izdelali hidravlični model in določili potek vodne gladine za različne karakteristične profile pretoka. Nato smo v vodotok vstavili prag z namenom povečanja nivoja zgornje vode in s tem tudi bruto padca. Na podlagi pretočnih krivulj za zgornjo in spodnjo vodo, pridobljenih iz programa HEC RAS, smo izvedi račun za vodno bilanco in energetsko proizvodnjo za različne vrednosti instaliranega pretoka. V tretjem delu smo izdelali idejni načrt ter izbrali štiri prekatno regulacijsko Banki turbino. Nato smo na podlagi obstoječih načrtov izdelali približno oceno stroškov gradbenih del in vzdrževanja, strojne in hidromehanske opreme. Izračun smo opravili za dva primera dovoda vode k turbini; preko tunela s postopkom mikrotunellinga in z izvedbo kanala vzdolž vodotoka. Sledila je izdelava občutljivostnih analiz. Cilj naloge je bila ugotovitev, če je investicija v izgradnjo mHE še utemeljena.


gradbeništvo;diplomska dela;UNI;male hidroelektrarne;hidrologija;vodna bilanca;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [M. Čebul]
UDC: 556.53:627.8(497.4Mešič)(043.2)
COBISS: 6831969 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1916
Downloads: 481
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Assessment of hydropower potential of Mešič HPP on Paka River
Secondary abstract: The thesis deals with the assessment of the energy potential on the Paka River with construction of small hydro power plant, and it was created on the basis of historical plans from the year 1917, which predicted the construction of the small HPP at the selected location. Its purpose is to provide an assessment of the energy potential of the today's situation and to further assess the cost of investment. The first part describes the importance of hydropower in Slovenia and its historical development. In the second part we describe the existing situation, we analyze the hydrology and we passed the geodetic measurements. We have developed a hydraulic model in the program HEC RAS and determine the course of surface water for different characteristic flow profiles. Then we inserted threshold in the stream in order to increase the upper water level and thus the gross fall. Based on the flow curves for the upper and lower water obtained from the HEC RAS program, we calculated water balance and energy production for various installed power flow values. In the third part we have developed conceptual design and selected four ventricular regulating Banki turbine. Then we have made a rough assessment of the cost for the construction and maintenance, mechanical and hydromechanical equipment, on the basis of the existing plans. The calculation was performed for two cases of water inlet to the turbine; through the tunnel with the procedure of mikrotunelling and by building a channel along the stream. Then we have made sensitivity analysis. The aim of the project was to determine if the investment in the construction of small HPP is still justified.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;civil engineering;small hydro power plant;hydrology;water balance;HEC RAS;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XIV, 71 str., [10] pril.
ID: 8708522