diplomska naloga
Jernej Amon (Author), Mitja Košir (Mentor), Tomo Cerovšek (Thesis defence commission member), Jana Šelih (Thesis defence commission member), Franc Sinur (Thesis defence commission member)


Diplomsko delo obravnava primerjalno analizo učinkovitosti v praksi najbolj pogostih ukrepov za odpravo tipičnih toplotnih mostov. Upošteval sem zahteve definirane v Pravilniku o učinkoviti rabi energije v stavbah (PURES 2010), ki se sklicuje na tehnično smernico TSG-1-004:2010, Učinkovita raba energije. Za izračun posameznega ukrepa odprave toplotnega mostu sem uporabil programsko orodje THERM 7.3 (LBNL, 2014). Analizo učinkovitost ukrepov za odpravo tipičnih toplotnih mostov sem opravil za štiri najpogostejše oblike toplotnih mostov, ki se pojavljajo na stanovanjskih objektih. Za izhodiščni primer sem izbral toplotni most brez sanacijskega ukrepa, za vsakega od štirih primerov in za vsak toplotni most pa vsaj dve najpogostejši rešitvi. Z izračuni posameznih ukrepov sem pridobil izhodiščne informacije za nadaljnje analize. Analiza je pokazala, da je pozicija toplotne izolacije ključnega pomena in da predstavlja glavni vzrok za odstopanja pri rezultatih. Ugotovil sem, da je pri odpravi toplotnega mostu na stiku okno-stena najpomembnejša pozicija vgradnje okna. Pri odpravi toplotnega mostu na stiku balkonske plošče z zunanjo steno in medetažno ploščo je edini učinkoviti ukrep »prekinitev« betonske plošče z toplotno armaturno košaro. Toplotni most na stiku medetažne plošče in zunanje stene lahko odpravimo že z upoštevanjem zahtev omejitev U-faktorja (faktor toplotne prehodnosti) iz TSG-1-004:2010, torej z zadostno debelino toplotnega izolacijskega ovoja stavbe. Za odpravo toplotnega mostu na stiku med zunanjo steno in poševno streho je ključnega pomena pravilen položaj toplotne izolacije.


gradbeništvo;diplomska naloga;VSŠ;Toplotni most;U-faktor;THERM;tehnična smernica;SIST EN ISO 10211:2007;SIST EN ISO 14683:2007;SIST EN ISO 13789:2007;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [J. Amon]
UDC: 536.2:536.65:699.86(043.2)
COBISS: 6947169 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2089
Downloads: 515
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Effectiveness Analysis of Measures to Avoid Typical Thermal Bridges
Secondary abstract: This thesis deals with a comparative efficiency analysis of measures that are most frequently used in building practice to eliminate typical thermal bridges. The analysis complies with the requirements specified in the Rules on Efficient Use of Energy in Buildings (PURES, 2010) with reference to Technical Guideline TSG-1-004:2010, Efficient Use of Energy. Efficiency calculations for individual measures used to eliminate a thermal bridge were conducted with the THERM 7.3 (LBNL, 2014) computer application. The efficiency analysis was carried out on the basis of four most common types of thermal bridges experienced in residential homes. I started by analysing the base case of a thermal bridge without any remedial measure used, and continued with at least two most frequently used solutions for each of the four cases of thermal bridges. Through calculations made for these measures, I obtained the needed base information for further analysis. The analysis showed that the position of thermal insulation is of crucial importance and represents the main reason for variances in results. I have found that the position of window installation is crucial for eliminating the thermal bridge at the window-wall junction. The only really efficient measure for elimination of a thermal bridge at the building junction of a balcony with external and the inter-floor slab is the »interruption« of the reinforced concrete plate with a structural thermal break element. Thermal bridge at the junction of an inter-floor slab and external wall can be eliminated by considering the limitation of U-factor (thermal transmittance factor) prescribed in TSG-1-04:2010, that is by sufficient thickness of the heat insulation envelope of a building. Correct positioning of heat insulation is also of key importance for elimination of a thermal bridge on the junction between outer wall and sloped roof.
Secondary keywords: Thermal bridge;U-factor;THERM;Tehnical Guideline;SIST EN ISO 10211:2007;SIST EN ISO 14683:2007;SIST EN ISO 13789:2007;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XIV, 103 str.
ID: 8708564