magistrsko delo
Usmerjevalne lamele so del turistične in druge obvestilne signalizacije, ki se postavljajo
predvsem na cestah v naseljih z namenom vodenja pomembnejših objektov in turističnih
ciljev. Postavljajo se v sklopih, in sicer do največ sedem usmerjevalnih lamel v posameznem
Slovenska regulativa vsebuje le splošna določila glede izgleda usmerjevalnih lamel, kar pa je
občutno premalo za vzpostavitev enotnih lamelnih sistemov po vsej državi.
V magistrskem delu so predvsem na osnovi zakonitosti zaznave prometnih znakov
(človeškega faktorja) s strani udeležencev v cestnem prometu obdelani in podani konkretni
predlogi rešitev za naslednje segmente usmerjevalnih lamel: oblika in mere, pisava,
usmerjevalne puščice in simboli. Definirana je tudi siva barva za usmerjevalne lamele
komercialnih vsebin.
Za 50 simbolov, ki so predpisani za uporabo na usmerjevalnih lamelah, je bila s pomočjo
ankete izvedena preveritev njihove prepoznavnosti med vozniki v slovenskem prostoru.
Izsledek kaže na to, da je določene simbole treba spremeniti ali celo ukiniti.
Preverjalo se je tudi največje dopustno število usmerjevalnih lamel v posameznem sklopu, ki
vozniku še omogoča ustrezno zaznavo. Raziskava je bila izvedena s pomočjo teoretičnega
izračuna in opravljenih meritev voznikov na terenu.
gradbeništvo;magistrska dela;turistična signalizacija;usmerjevalni sistem;usmerjevalne table;usmerjevalne lamele;človeški faktor;zaznava signalizacije;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2011 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering |
Publisher: |
[N. Verzolak Hrabar] |
UDC: |
654.913(043.3) |
Views: |
1752 |
Downloads: |
493 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Unification of segments of guidance lamellas for state roads |
Secondary abstract: |
Guidance lamellas are part of tourist information signs, which are positioned mostly on the
roads in urban areas with the purpose of guiding to important buildings and tourist
destinations. They are set up in sets, up to seven guidance lamellas in the individual set at the
Slovenian regulations comprise of only general provisions regarding guidance lamellas, which
are definitely in sufficient for establishing a unified lamellar system throughout the country.
In the MSc Thesis were above all on the basis of rules of perceiving traffic signs (human
factor) by the participants in road traffic studied and proposed practical solutions for the
following segments of the guidance lamellas: shapes and sizes, fonts, direction arrows and
symbols. Grey colour for guidance lamellas with commercial contents has also been defined.
For 50 symbols, legislated for the use on the guidance lamellas, the verification was
performed by a survey to verify their recognition among the drivers in Slovenia. The finding
indicates that certain symbols should be changed or even abolished.
The maximum permissible number of guidance lamellas in the individual set, which enables
adequate perception to the driver has also been verified. The verification was done by
theoretical method and time measurements of drivers reactions in the field. |
Secondary keywords: |
civil engineering;master of science thesis;tourist information signs;guidance system;guidance signs;guidance lamellas;human factor;perception of signs; |
URN: |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, Oddelek za promet |
Pages: |
XV, 181 str., [6] str. pril. |
ID: |
8710880 |