magistrsko delo
Borut Korpar (Author), Peter Fajfar (Mentor), Goran Turk (Thesis defence commission member), Vojko Kilar (Thesis defence commission member), Iztok Peruš (Co-mentor)


Preučevali smo uporabnost razširjene N2 metode na primeru tipične osem etažne armiranobetonske stenaste stavbe. V nalogi smo prikazali analizo in dimenzioniranje glavnih nosilnih elementov konstrukcije kot tudi pripravo modela za nelinearno analizo. Pri dinamičnih analizah smo uporabili 10 različnih akcelerogramov s po dvema vodoravnima komponentama. Opravili smo parametrično študijo obnašanja konstrukcije pri različnih kombinacijah smeri delovanja potresne obtežbe in dveh jakosti potresne obtežbe. Primerjali smo rezultate parametrične študije z rezultati iz razširjene N2 metode. Iz rezultatov in primerjav smo lahko zaključili, da razširjena N2 analiza daje inženirsko zadovoljive in smiselne rezultate. Hkrati smo na primeru pokazali, da je razširjena N2 metoda dovolj enostavna in primerna za uporabo v inženirski praksi. Poleg tega se je pokazalo, da je vpliv izbire smeri delovanja potresne obtežbe pomemben, saj lahko pride pri različnih kombinacijah smeri in predznaka dveh komponent istega akcelerograma do precejšnjih razlik v odzivu konstrukcije. V nalogi smo izpostavili tudi nekatere probleme pri samem dimenzioniranju elementov in pri pripravi nelinearnega modela. Težave pri zajemanju in ovrednotenju velike količine rezultatov, ki jih dobimo pri nelinearnih dinamičnih analizah, nakazujejo prednost razširjene N2 metode.


gradbeništvo;magistrska dela;potresno inženirstvo;N2 metoda;nelinearna dinamična analiza;projektiranje potresnoodpornih konstrukcij;Evrokod 8;armiranobetonska stavba;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [B. Korpar]
UDC: 624.012.45:624.131.55(043.3)
COBISS: 5669729 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2094
Downloads: 534
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Estimation of the applicability of the N2 method for a typical RC wall building
Secondary abstract: The application of the extended N2 method for a typical eight storey reinforced concrete wall building has been studied, which is due to its layout at the limit of the applicability of N2 method. In the master thesis analysis and design of the main load-bearing elements as well as the modelling for the nonlinear analysis and non-linear analysis itself have been performed. For dynamic analyses 10 different accelerograms with two horizontal components were used. Parametric studies of the structure’s behavior for several different combinations of earthquake loading directions and for two earthquake loading intensities were performed. The comparison of the parametric study results with the extended N2 method results confirmed that the extended N2 method provides adequate and reasonable results to the user. Also it has been shown that the extended N2 method is simple enough for use in every-day engineering work. In addition, it was demonstrated that the choice of the earthquake loading direction is important. Different combinations of the direction and sign of two components of the same accelerogram can yield quite different structural response. In the master thesis some problems related to dimensioning of structural elements and to the preparation of a non-linear model are pointed out. Difficulties related to fetching and evaluating the large amount of data obtained when performing a non-linear time history analysis suggest the advantages of the N2 method.
Secondary keywords: civil engineering;master of science thesis;earthquake engineering;N2 method;non-linear dynamic analysis;design for resistance;Eurocode 8;reinforced concrete building;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, Konstrukcijska smer
Pages: XV, 106 str.
ID: 8710897