diplomska naloga
Rok Fabijan (Author), Tomo Cerovšek (Mentor), Janko Logar (Thesis defence commission member), Vlatko Bosiljkov (Thesis defence commission member), Matej Fischinger (Thesis defence commission member)


Gospodarska kriza je močno prizadela slovensko gospodarstvo, kar je slovenska podjetja prisililo v iskanje poslov na tuje trge, kjer je konkurenca izredno velika. Tam že večina investitorjev zahteva uporabo BIM in posledično integriran način izvedbe projektov. Za prikaz uporabe informacijskega modela sem v diplomski nalogi obravnaval objekt s skupnima podzemnima garažnima etažama, ki se v pritličju razdeli na tri manjše stolpiče s po štirimi etažami. Skupna neto tlorisna površina objekta je približno 8500 m2. Obstoječa projektna dokumentacija je bila izdelana za idejni projekt s skromnim spektrom informacij o obravnavanem objektu. Z uporabo BIM orodij sem izdelal arhitekturni in gradbeni model ter model izvedbe projekta. V ArchiCAD-u sem izdelal parametrični 3D informacijski model, v katerem sem pripravil dokumentacijo za pridobitev gradbenega dovoljenja in vizualizacijo. ArchiCAD je dodatno omogočil hitro pripravo kvadratur neto površin objekta ter skupno dolžino uporabljenih Schöck Isokorb elementov, ki so bili modelirani v modelu. Z modelom, ki sem ga izdelali v ArchiCAD-u, sem si nato pomagal pri izdelavi modela gradbenih konstrukcij v programu Tekla Structures. Tu sem nato izdelal gantogram, ki sem ga zaradi potreb po večjem naboru nastavitev in možnosti prenesel v program Microsoft Project. V procesu gradnje nosilne konstrukcije se bo gradnja izvajala v treh taktih, zato je bilo smotrno gantogram iz programa Microsoft Project nadgraditi s ciklogramom in mrežnim terminskim planom v programu Vico Control. Gradnjo nosilnih konstrukcij sem v terminskih planih razdelil na takte, v sklopu katerih posamezno obravnavam horizontalne in vertikalne elemente, ti pa so sestavljeni iz procesov opaženja, armiranja in betoniranja. S pomočjo obeh terminskih planov v Vico Control-u sem hitrost gradnje nosilne konstrukcije z optimalnim razmikom med procesi optimiziral in izdelal tudi histogram števila delavcev in mehanizacije. Izdelal sem tudi animacijo ureditve gradbišča tekom gradnje objekta v programu SketchUp. .


gradbeništvo;UNI;diplomska dela;BIM;ArchiCAD;parametrični 4D model;Tekla Structures;gantogram;Microsoft Project;ciklogram;Vico Control;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [R. Fabijan]
UDC: 004.6:624:69(043.2)
COBISS: 5837921 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2925
Downloads: 599
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Design and planning using building information modeling: case studies
Secondary abstract: World crisis has heavily affected slovenian economy. It forced slovenian companies to find work in foreign markets where the competition is on higher level. On those markets the BIM has already been demanded by contractors, which leads integrated delivery method. To demonstrate the use of BIM I used structure with combined underground garages. On the ground floor the structure is separated into three small towers with four floors. The structure has approximately 8500 m˛ of net floor area. Existing project documentation was made for preliminary design with a lack of information about the structural system. With use of BIM tools I created architectual and structural model and model of the construction phase. ArchiCAD was used to make parametrical 3D building information model, from which I prepared project documentation. In addition I was able to extract quadratures of net area and full lenght of the Schöck Isokorb elements. Model that was created in ArchiCAD helped me to create a structural model in Tekla Structures. Furthermore I scheduled the project using gantt chart and imported it into Microsoft Project to make detailed scheduling easier. Due to typical cyclic operations of construction crews that I used in the graduation thesis MS Project was further exported into the Vico Control scheduling software, where a detailed flowline chart was developed along with network schedule. Construction of the load bearing structure was distributed into cycles and further into horizontal and vertical components that require location based dependencies of formworks, reinforcements and concrete pouring activities. On the basis of both charts in Vico Control I speed up the construction with an optimization of the charts creating optimal intervals between proceses and made resource graph. In the end I created an animation of organization of constructional site in SketchUp.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;BIM;ArchiCAD;parametrical 4D model;Tekla Structures;gantt chart;Microsoft Project;flowline chart view;Vico Control;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XI, 72 str.
ID: 8713066