diplomska naloga
Tina Pirnat (Author), Anka Lisec (Mentor), Mojca Kosmatin Fras (Thesis defence commission member), Miran Kuhar (Thesis defence commission member), Dušan Kogoj (Thesis defence commission member), Marjan Čeh (Co-mentor), Igor Perpar (Co-mentor)


Na osnovi izkušenj preteklih let Geodetske pisarne (GP) Ljubljana v diplomski nalogi izpostavimo aktualne probleme evidentiranja sodno določenih mej v zemljiškem katastru na območju katastrskih občin, ki jih pisarna geografsko obsega. Za namen razumevanja poteka in vsebine posameznega obravnavanega postopka predstavimo zakonodajo, ki ureja področje nepravdnega postopka urejanja mej zemljiških parcel v Sloveniji. V praktičnem delu vsebinsko in časovno analiziramo izbrane elaborate sodnih postopkov, ki so bili na podlagi dokončne odločbe geodetske uprave o evidentiranju urejene meje zaključeni po sprejetju Zakona o evidentiranju nepremičnin (ZEN) leta 2006. Največ sodnih postopkov ureditve meje je bilo evidentiranih v letu 2011, spremembe, določene v pravnomočnih sodnih aktih teh postopkov, pa so se najpogosteje v zemljiški kataster evidentirale v roku petih let ali manj. V nalogi izpostavljamo tipične probleme in tehnične napake elaboratov sodnega postopka ureditve meje ter razloge za poziv k dopolnitvi elaboratov, s katerimi se srečujejo geodeti v Geodetski pisarni Ljubljana. Najpogostejši razlog za pošiljanje poziva za dopolnitev elaborata je neskladnost vsebine elaborata in vsebine sodnega sklepa na podlagi katerega se zahteva evidentiranje sprememb v zemljiškem katastru. Obravnavamo tudi primera elaboratov sodno določenih mej, ki nista izpolnjevala določil Pravilnika o urejanju mej ter spreminjanju in evidentiranju podatkov v zemljiškem katastru (2007) in je bila posledično zahtevana dopolnitev elaboratov.


geodezija;diplomska dela;UNI;GIG;evidentiranje nepremičnin;zemljiški kataster;sodišče;sodni izvedenec;katastrski elaborati;jsodni postopek določitve meje;Geodetska pisarna Ljubljana;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [T. Pirnat]
UDC: 528.4:711(043.2)
COBISS: 6010465 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1808
Downloads: 514
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂanalysis of judicial cases for real property evidencing in the area of SMAbranch office of Ljubljana
Secondary abstract: This thesis is an attempt to present some current issues based on experiences of Ljubljana SMA branch office in the field of judicial definitions of borders in a cadastral register of cadastral municipalities in the geographic scope of branch office. To acheive detail understanding of the timeline and the content of each particular proceeding we present the legislation concerning non-contentious procedure of managing land boundaries in Slovenia. In the practical part of the thesis we analyze the court expert's reports of judicial definition of land boundaries which were based on the final order of the Surveying and mapping authority, concluded and recorded after the adoption of the Real-Estate Recording Act in 2006. Most analysed proceedings, regarding the judicial definition of boundaries, were recorded in 2011, changes specified in final judicial acts of these procedures were in a cadastral register mostly recorded within five years or less. In the thesis we focus on the most common issues and technical mistakes in the surveyors reports of judicial definition of land boundaries and the cause for their reasons for the request to complete the report, encountered by surveyors at Ljubljana SMA branch office. The main cause for sending an appeal for completion of the reports is incosistency of the contents in the surveyors report and the content of judicial conclusion of the court. We have discussed two reports of judicial definiton of land boundaries which have not met the rules and was subsequently required for an update of reports.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;geodesy;real property evidencing;land cadastre;court;court expert;cadastral documentation;judicial clarification of boundaries;SMA branch office of Ljubljana;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: VII, 29 str.
ID: 8714081