diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija
Franc Toš (Author), Marko Ferjan (Mentor)


V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge smo podali temeljne pojme o izobraževanju odraslih, nekaj splošnih opredelitev kariere in splošne definicije o karieri ter njenega razvoja s strani posameznika. Predstavili smo Fakulteto za organizacijske vede Kranj in njene študijske programe ter Javni Zavod REVIVIS Ptuj, ki izvaja nekatere izmed programov FOV Kranj. Namen naše raziskave je bilo ugotoviti, kako je pridobitev izobrazbe vplivala na kariero diplomantov FOV Kranj - izredni študij Ptuj. Na podlagi izvedene ankete (vzorec 30 diplomantov) smo obdelali vpliv izobrazbe na kariero diplomantov. Obdelali smo pričakovanja in izpolnitev pričakovanj kandidatov ter koristnost samega študija. Anketne vprašalnike smo obdelali po deskriptivni kavzalno neeksperimentalni metodi in jih prikazali v obliki tabel in grafikonov. Razvoj kariere je stalen proces, planira in vodi ga posameznik glede na osebno delo in življenjske cilje. Eden izmed korakov za napredovanje v razvoju kariere posameznika je izobraževanje. Velika večina anketiranih (90 %) je pričakovalo, da bodo pridobili na osebnostni rasti, 86,68 % anketirancev je pričakovalo boljšo plačo, 73,33 % anketirancev je pričakovalo možnost napredovanja in 63,33 % je menila, da bo po končanem študiju lažje zamenjala službo. Ugotavljamo, da so diplomanti FOV - izredni študij PTUJ z izobraževanjem pridobili na osebnostni rasti, na strokovnem znanju, pridobili višje plače (73,33 %) in tudi temu primerno napredovali (70 %). Diplomantom je študij pomagal pri nadaljnjem razvoju kariernih poti. Vsi diplomanti so zainteresirani za nadaljnji razvoj lastne kariere. Nihče od diplomantov svoje lastne kariere ne ocenjuje za neuspešno.




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [F. Toš]
UDC: 374
COBISS: 6442771 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2100
Downloads: 129
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In the theoretical part of the diploma we spoke about basic terms concerning adult education, some general career definitions and general definitions about the career and its development from the point of view of the individual. We introduced the Faculty of Organizational Sciences Kranj, its study programmes and the Public Institution REVIVIS Ptuj, which is executing some of the programmes of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences Kranj. The purpose of our research was to find out how the gained education influenced the careers of the graduates of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences Kranj, attending part-time studies in Ptuj. Based on the questionnaire (sample of 30 graduates) we could see the influence of the education on the graduates’ careers. We compared the expectations of the candidates and their fulfilment, as well as the advantages of the studies. The questionnaires were processed with the descriptive, causal non-experimental method and presented in tables and graphs. The career development is a steady process, planned and led by the individual, depending on his personal work and his life goals. One of the steps of advancing in the career development is education. The majority of the candidates (90 %) expected to experience personal growth, 86,68 % of the candidates expected a better pay, 73,33 % of the candidates expected better promotion chances and 63,33 % of the candidates believed in an easier job switch after graduation. We found out that the graduates of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences Kranj, studying part-time in Ptuj, experienced personal growth, gained expert knowledge, higher pays (73,33 %) and promotions (70 %). The studies helped the graduates with the development of their future career path. All graduates are interested in the future development of their careers and none of them is valuating their career as unsuccessful.
Secondary keywords: - education - adult education - career;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Maribor, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 50 f.
ID: 8715641