magistrsko delo
Marko Tekavc (Author), Matjaž B. Jurič (Mentor), Marjan Heričko (Co-mentor)


Tipično v organizacijah obstajajo številne heterogene aplikacije, sistemi, komponente in podatkovni viri, ki jih želimo povezati v celovite informacijskerešitve. Zato integracija danes predstavlja enega ključnih področij poslovnih rešitev. Z zrelostjo tehnologij za povezovanje se večajo tudi pričakovanja in zahteve glede zagotavljanja kakovosti storitev, v prvi vrsti zmogljivosti in zanesljivosti. V magistrskem delu smo zato celovito naslovili področje vrednotenja zmogljivosti integracijskih tehnologij. Pregledali smo različne vzorce in tehnike povezovanja, predstavili arhitekturo, programski model in ključne lastnosti treh najpomembnejših javanskih tehnologij za povezovanje sistemov ter opravili medsebojno funkcionalno primerjavo le teh. Vpeljali smo model, ki s skupino predlaganih ključnih aktivnosti, predstavlja temelje za izdelavo načrta pri izvajanju vrednotenja zmogljivosti tehnologij za integracijo sistemov. Poiskali in ovrednotili ali implementirali smo orodja za testiranje zmogljivosti na platformi Java in jih skupaj s predstavljenim modelom, uporabili za izvedbo meritev zmogljivosti. Ovrednotili smo zmogljivosti predstavljenih integracijskih mehanizmov, pri čemer smo se osredotočili na merjenje maksimalne propustnosti ter povprečne in maksimalne latence, pri različnih scenarijih in arhitekturah povezovanja. Na osnovi rezultatov meritev smo, iz zmogljivostnega vidika, medsebojno primerjali različne javanske tehnologije zaintegracijo informacijskih sistemov. Izdelali smo splošne napotke in priporočila, ki nam služijo kot osnova za pripravo ustreznih testnih scenarijev pri izvajanju vrednotenja zmogljivosti tehnologij za integracijo informacijskih sistemov. Rezultati magistrskega dela prinašajo tudi praktično vrednost za organizacije, ki se ukvarjajo z integracijo informacijskih sistemov, saj predstavljen model, orodja, rezultati in analiza opravljenih meritev, organizacijam predstavljajo celovit pristop k izvajanju vrednotenja zmogljivosti tehnologij za integracijo informacijskih sistemov.


integracija informacijskih sistemov;vrednotenje zmogljivosti;oddaljeni klici metod;sporočilni sistemi;spletne storitve;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Publisher: [M. Tekavc]
UDC: 004.451:004.7
COBISS: 13422102 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2737
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Performance analysis of enterprise application integration technologies
Secondary abstract: Typically many heterogenic applications, systems, components and data sources,that we want to integrate into comprehensive information solutions, exist in organizations. Integration is a mission critical requirement for delivering successful e-business solutions. As integration technologies matureand evolve so do the expectations and demands for providing quality of service. In Master thesis we have addressed performance analysis of integration technologies. We have reviewed different patterns and integration techniques, introduced the architecture, programming model and key characteristics, of three most important Java technologies for system integration, and performed functional comparison of integration technologies. We also established a model which, with underlying group of proposed key activities, represents foundations for planning integration mechanisms performance analysis. One of our tasks was also to identify and evaluate or implement tools for performance testing, and use them, together with presentedmodel, for execution of performance measurements on different integration mechanisms. We have analyzed performance of presented integration mechanisms on different scenarios and integration architectures, focusing on measurements of maximum throughput, and average as well as maximum latency. Based on measurements results, we compared performance of different Java basedintegration technologies, and we have written general directives and recommendations, that can serve us as a test scenarios base, when analyzing performance of integration technologies. Results of this Master thesis also bring practical value to organizations, which are interested in performance ofintegrated solutions, as the presented model, tools, results and analysis ofexecuted measurements all together, represent an end to end approach for analyzing performance of integration technologies.
Secondary keywords: enterprise application integration;performance analysis;remote method invocation;messaging systems;web services;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko
Pages: XI, 157 f.
ID: 8715745
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