(diplomsko delo)
Zvezdana Kupnik (Author), Dubravka Sancin (Mentor)


Patronažna zdravstvena nega je specialno področje zdravstvene nege, ki se ukvarja s posameznikom, družino in lokalno skupnostjo v vseh oblikah zdravja in bolezni. Nosilka patronažne zdravstvene nege je patronažna medicinska sestra. Odnos, ki ga vzpostavi patronažna medicinska sestra z družino, je ključnega pomena pri izvajanju aktivnosti zdravstvene nege. Namen je ugotoviti življenjski slog družine z nedonošenim otrokom ter predstaviti vlogo patronažne medicinske sestre pri delu z družino. Hkrati želimo prikazati kakovost življenja nedonošenčka v domačem okolju. Diplomska naloga je omejena na študijo primera ene družine z nedonošenim otrokom. Uporabili smo metode preučevanja, intervjuja, opazovanja in analize. Temeljna metoda dela patronažne medicinske sestre je hišni obisk, kjer poleg negovalnih intervencij izvaja tudi zdravstveno vzgojno delo, s katerim pri posamezniku razvija sposobnost za ohranjanje in krepitev zdravja. V diplomski nalogi smo predstavili navodila za izvajanje preventivnega zdravstvenega varstva na primarni ravni. Spoznali smo vlogo patronažne medicinske sestre pri zdravstveno vzgojnem delu z družino ter pri delu z nedonošenčkom. Ugotovili smo da je v skrb za nedonošenčka poleg mame vključena širša družina. Nedonošenčki so otroci, ki v mnogih temeljnih življenjskih aktivnostih potrebujejo posebno pozornost patronažne medicinske sestre. Zdravstvena nega prezgodaj rojenih otrok je zelo zahtevna in kompleksna, zahteva veliko znanja in spretnosti.


primarno zdravstveno varstvo;patronažno varstvo;patronažni obiski;nedonošenček;družina;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [Z. Kupnik]
UDC: 614.253.5
COBISS: 1604260 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2832
Downloads: 534
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Home visit of a premature infant by a community nurse
Secondary abstract: Home nursing is a special field of the nursing care, which deals with an individual, family and local community in all forms of health and illness. The holder of the home care service is the community nurse. The relationship established between the community nurse and the family is the most important when developing the nursing care activities. The aim of the thesis is to get to know the lifestyle of the family with a prematurely born infant and to introduce the role of the community nurse at her/his work with the family. Furthermore, we would like to present the life quality of a prematurely born infant in the domestic surroundings. The thesis is restricted to the case study of one family with a prematurely born infant. Moreover, the methods that were used were study, interview, observation and analysis. The essential working method of the community nurse is a home visit where she/he performs nursing interventions and health education, which helps to develop the ability to preserve and strengthen the health of an individual. The thesis presents instructions for performing the preventive health care on a primary level. We got to know the role of the nurse in the home care service at the health education with the family and at work with a prematurely born infant. In addition, we found out that next to the mother a wider family is included in the care of a prematurely born child. Prematurely born infants are children, who need special attention of the community nurse in many basic life activities. The health care of prematurely born children is very pretentious and complex as well as it requires a lot of knowledge and skills.
Secondary keywords: primary health care;community health nursing;home nursing;a prematurely born infant;family.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: VIII, 60 f.
ID: 8715937