delo diplomskega seminarja
Jasna Horvat (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Elektronsko poslovanje je uporaba vseh vrst informacijske tehnologije znotraj podjetja in pri povezavah podjetja s partnerji za zagotavljanje učinkovitega in uspešnega poslovanja ter pomembna sestavina nastajajoče informacijske družbe. Je način komunikacije in ponavljajoči se koncept, ki opisuje proces nabave in prodaje izdelkov, storitev in informacij s pomočjo računalniških omrežij, vključno z medmrežjem, njegove prednosti pa so nižji stroški, večja ponudba, trgi, hitrost in manj posrednikov. Eno izmed zahtevnejših in občutljivejših področij je davčno poslovanje. Na tem področju je Davčna uprava Republike Slovenije davčnim zavezancem ponudila spletni portal eDavki, ki omogoča udobno, preprosto in varno izpolnjevanje ter oddajanje davčnih dokumentov doma ali v pisarni.Spletni portal eDavki temelji na najsodobnejših standardih, uporablja ustrezno varnostno infrastrukturo in upošteva davčno zakonodajo. Od 1. januarja 2009 ga uporabljajo vsi pravni subjekti. Davčnim zavezancem in davčni upravi prinaša številne prednosti in slabosti. Prednosti so: velik prihranek časa in stroškov, možnost vlaganja dokumentov 24 ur na dan, 7 dni v tednu, hitrejše in preprostejše izpolnjevanje davčnih dokumentov, manjša možnost napak in hitrejša obdelava davčnih podatkov. Kot slabost naj omenim možnost zlorab, občasno preobremenjenost in nedostopnost sistema. Glede na to, da se spletni portal eDavki vse skozi razvija in dopolnjuje, menim, da bo teh težav v prihodnosti manj.


elektronsko poslovanje;davčna uprava;davki;spletne strani;portali;uporaba;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [J. Horvat]
UDC: 004:336.22
COBISS: 10525468 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1868
Downloads: 13
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: E-commerce of Slovenia tax administration
Secondary abstract: E-commerce is a synonym for all types of informational technologies used by a company and its partners in order to enable efficient and successful operations and as such forms a significant part of a developing society. It is a form of communication and a reocurring concept, which encompasses a process of acquisition and sale of products, service and information with a help of computer networks, including the internet. Its main advantages include lower costs, better offer, market, speed and fewer mediators. Tax operations is one of the most demanding and sensitive fields. In this field the Tax Administration of the Republic of Slovenia has offered its payers the web site eTaxes portal and has thus enabled a comfortable, simple and safe filling and handing in all the tax documents, either from home or from an office. The web site eTaxes portal is based on the most up-to-date standards, which uses the appropriate safety infrastructure and takes into consideration the tax legislature. All the law subjects have used it since the first of January 2009. It brings a lot of advantages but also disadvantages to all the taxpayers and tax administration. The pluses are the following: a big saving of time and expenses, the possibility of handing in the documents round the clock not only per day but also the whole week round, a quicker and simpler filling in the tax documents, a smaller chance of making mistakes and a faster handling of the tax data. The minuses are the following: the possibility of abuse, a temperary overloading and non- entrance the system. However, in my opinion the web site eTaxes portal is accomplishing itself all the time, that is why there will be less and less difficulties in the future.
Secondary keywords: E-commerce;Tax Administration of the Republic Slovenia;eDavki (e-Taxes);electronic tax filing.;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 44 str.
ID: 8715996