magistrsko delo
Darja Kukovec (Author), Sonja Treven (Mentor), Borut Milfelner (Co-mentor)


Stres spremlja človeško zgodovino že skozi tisočletja in je pomagal človeku pri temeljnih opravilih vsakdanjega življenja kot je pri begu in boju z divjimi živalmi ter nabiranju hrane. V zgodovini je stres predstavljal za človeka obstanek za preživetje, v današnjem času pa je stres kot posledica hitrega in modernega življenja postal zahrbten in neizprosen morilec. Tako stres uvrščamo med najpogostejše »bolezni« sodobnega časa, katerega temeljni fiziološki mehanizmi so se ohranili, vzroki zanj pa se z razvojem civilizacije vztrajno spreminjajo. Kadar naše sposobnosti niso v popolnem ravnovesju z zahtevami okolja, se sproži stresna reakcija, ki privede organizem v stanje najvišje pripravljenosti. Tako je naše telo pripravljeno za boj v okoliščinah, v katerih pa ne najdemo pravih izhodov za telesni odziv. Po mnenju številnih znanstvenikov in zdravnikov je takšen položaj bistveno pomenljiv za nastanek kopice težav. Aktiviranje stresnega odziva, ki se ne more sproščeno izraziti v telesni reakciji, je potencialno škodljivo zdravju. Stres je postal prava »socialna bolezen«, saj je razlog za nastanek številnih bolezni in prezgodnje smrti, vzrok za številne nesreče in katastrofe, povzročitelj osebnih in družinskih tragedij. Enostavno nemogoče pa je izračunati ogromne izgube, ki jih zaradi zmanjšane sposobnosti za delo povzroča v gospodarstvu. Po neki oceni je kar 75 odstotkov bolezni, zaradi katerih se ljudje zatečejo k splošnemu zdravniku, povezanih s stresom. Čeprav živimo v razvitem in sodobnem svetu, se še vedno veliko ljudi ne zaveda samega pomena stresa. Zato je naš namen magistrske naloge predstaviti simptome in posledice stresa posameznika v delovnem okolju ter kako ta stres obvladati na ravni organizacije. Ker pa velikokrat organizacije ne poskrbijo za zmanjševanja stresa na delovnem mestu, želimo tudi opozoriti na simptome posameznika ter kako se naj delavec sam sooča s stresom na delovnem mestu. Obvladovanje stresa in bojazni v vsakdanjem življenju je nujnega pomena za človekovo normalno življenje. Zato v magistrski nalogi posvečamo poglavje tudi spoznavanju in preprečevanju stresa tako na individualni ravni kot na ravni organizacije. Človek je socialno bitje. Motnje v odnosih z drugimi ljudmi človeški možgani pogosto ocenijo z enako stopnjo nevarnosti, kot če človeku grozi telesna grožnja, čemur sledi stresna reakcija organizma. Vendar pa je odvisno od naše osebne zrelosti, naših stališč in vrednot kako bomo uravnavali medsebojne odnose in v kolikšni meri bomo pustili stresni situaciji, da vpliva na nas. V raziskavi, katero smo opravili na podlagi preučevanja delovnega stresa v podjetju »X« smo ugotovili, da je stres za večino delavcev prej pravilo kot izjema. Ugotovili smo tudi, da se delavci soočajo z različnimi fizičnimi in psihičnimi simptomi stresa, pri tem pa ne poznajo in tudi ne uporabljajo individualnih tehnik za obvladovanje stresa. V zadnjem poglavju magistrske naloge smo zato predlagali celovit model za preventivo in preprečevanje stresa, katerega smo oblikovali na podlagi rezultatov ankete.


delovno mesto;delovno okolje;delovni odnosi;medosebni odnosi;stres;vzroki;obvladovanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [D. Kukovec]
UDC: 331.1
COBISS: 10439452 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3118
Downloads: 0
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Stress has accompanied human history through the millennia and has helped the man with fundamental tasks of everyday life as it is for example the run and fight with wild animals and gathering food. In history the stress, for a man, represented the fight for survival, nowadays, as a result of rapid and modern life stress has become vicious and ruthless killer. Thus, stress ranks among the most common "diseases" of modern times whose underlying physiological mechanisms remained the same, however, by the development of civilization the reasons for it are constantly changing. When our skills are not in full harmony with the requirements of society, stress reaction is triggered that leads the body into a state of maximum readiness. And that is how our body is ready to fight in situations, but in which we do not find the right outlets for physical response. According to many scientists and doctors such a situation it is essential for the formation of many meaningful problems. Activation of stress response that can not be comfortably expressed in physical reaction is potentially damaging to health. Stress has become a true "social disease" as it is the reason for the formation of many diseases and premature death, the cause of many accidents and disasters and inducer of personal and family tragedies. But it is simply impossible to calculate the huge losses that are caused by it in the economy because of the reduced capacity for work. By some evaluation there is even 75 percent of diseases for which people visit their doctor, stress related. Although we live in the developed, modern world there are still many people that are not aware of the importance of stress itself. That is why our intention of master's thesis is to present the symptoms and consequences of stress in the individual's workplace and how to cope with it on the level of the organization. However, since many organizations do not provide for reducing stress in the workplace, we also want to point out individual's symptoms and how the worker himself should face the stress in the workplace. Dealing with stress and anxiety in daily life is of vital importance for person's normal life. Therefore, a chapter in the master's thesis is dedicated to the recognition and prevention of stress both at the individual level as the level of the organization. Man is a social being. Disturbances in the relations with other people human brain often assess with the same level of danger as if threatened with physical threat followed by a stress reaction of the organism. However, depending on the maturity of our identity, our viewpoints and values, how we regulate the mutual relations and to what extent we let stressful situations to affect us. The research, which we performed on a basis of work stress study in the company "X" we found that the stress for most workers is now the rule rather than the exception. We have also found that workers face a variety of physical and psychological symptoms of stress while not knowing or using any individual techniques to manage stress. In the last chapter of master's thesis, we have proposed a comprehensive model for prevention and hindrance of stress which was designed on the basis of survey results.
Secondary keywords: Stress;eustress;distress;frustration;Karoshi death;suggestions.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 99 str., 4 str. pril.
ID: 8716016
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