magistrsko delo
Timea Gönc (Author), Duško Uršič (Mentor)


Turbulentno okolje, v katerem živimo, zahteva od sodobnega podjetja nenehno prilagajanje, če želi ostati na trgu. Zato mora sodobno podjetje neprestano spremljati trg in se mu prilagajati. Vsako podjetje mora stremeti k rasti in razvoju, kar lahko uresniči takrat, ko deluje uspešno in učinkovito. Podjetja morajo imeti jasne cilje in jim slediti. Da bi podjetje dosegalo zastavljene cilje, mora biti uspešno in učinkovito. Za to je potrebno uvajati stalne izboljšave, ki pripomorejo k temu, da postane podjetje konkurenčno. Da bi podjetje tudi ostalo konkurenčno, mora iskati najboljše prakse, jih prilagoditi sebi in jih uvajati. Prilagajanje nenehnim spremembam terja od podjetja nenehno učenje. Zato je postala učeča se organizacija nuja v sodobnem poslovnem svetu. Za zagotovitev učeče se organizacije so potrebni zaposleni, ki so pripravljeni na nove izzive, sprejemanje sprememb in učenje. Izboljšave je potrebno uvesti v vse dele podjetja, od poslovnih procesov, izdelkov, storitev do podjetja kot celote. K učinkovitosti in uspešnosti podjetja v veliki meri pripomore tudi timsko delo, ki je v današnjem svetu neizbežno. Dobro uglašen tim lahko znatno pripomore k rasti in razvoju podjetja ter nenazadnje k doseganju konkurenčne prednosti, kar pa je v današnjem svetu brez tega zelo težko doseči.


organizacija poslovanja;poslovanje podjetja;benchmarking;teamsko delo;odličnost;uspešnost;rast podjetja;razvoj podjetja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [T. Gönc]
UDC: 005.64
COBISS: 10522908 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2212
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Organizational control points and company start-up
Secondary abstract: The turbulent environment we live in demands a continuous adaptation if a company wants to remain on the market. Therefore, a continuous market monitoring and an adaptation to it are required. Every company must aim towards growth and development, it can achieve only if it works successfully and efficiently. The companies need to have clear goals and must follow them. To achieve its goals, the company must be successful and efficient. Therefore it needs to constantly improve, which in turn contributes to its competitiveness. As a consequence, to remain as it is the company needs to select the best practices. Then it needs to adapt these practices to the company's needs by implementing them. A continuous adaptation adapting to changes requires a constant learning from the company. Therefore, a learning organisation has become a necessity in the modern business world. For a learning organisation one would need employees who are ready to face new challenges, accept changes as well as learning. Improvements need to be implemented in all company’s departments, from business processes, products and services to the company as a whole. Another important factor contributing to efficiency and successfulness of a company is teamwork, which nowadays represents a necessity. A harmonious team can significantly contribute to the growth and development of a company and can also achieve the competitive advantage so hard to achieve without it today.
Secondary keywords: organization;learning organization;benchmarking;kaizen;teamwork;excellence;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 71 str.
ID: 8716089