magistrsko delo
Martina Stajan (Author), Darja Pavlič (Mentor)


Magistrska naloga obravnava angleško modernistično pisateljico Virginio Woolf, pri čemer je glavni predmet raziskave vključenost njenih del v različne literarne kanone. Posebna pozornost je namenjena romanu gospa Dalloway, zato so predstavljeni pisateljičini biografski podatki, ki so pomembni za prepoznavanje avtobiografskih prvin v tem romanu. Teoretični del naloge se osredinja na različne poglede na literarni kanon in predstavlja obravnave kanona na feminističnem, modernističnem in šolskem področju, s pomočjo teorije Harolda Blooma pa je prikazano stanje zahodnega literarnega kanona. Prav Bloomovi pogledi na kriterije za vključitev literarnega dela v kanon so osnova za določitev kanonizacijskih kriterijev, ki so bili upoštevani v nalogi, in sicer pri analizi romana Gospa Dalloway. Najpomembnejši izmed vseh kriterijev je estetski kriterij, ki zajema figurativni oz. metaforični jezik, izvirnost, nenavadnost, večpomenskost, učinek tujosti in napornejši užitek. V analizi sta bila upoštevana še kriterija medbesedilnosti in aktualnosti. Slednji je bil opazovan s pomočjo testa časa in pomena ponovnega branja. Po vseh omenjenih kriterijih je roman mogoče uvrstiti v literarni kanon, za kar imajo največje zasluge predvsem dovršeni modernistični postopki, vključene feministične ideje in poetičnost romana.


literarni kanon;modernizem;feminizem;pouk književnosti;Gospa Dalloway;literarne študije;magistrska dela;Woolf;Virginia;1882-1941;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [M. Stajan]
UDC: 821.111.09-311.2Woolf V.(043.2)
COBISS: 21212168 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1453
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: This master's degree thesis deals with Virginia Woolf who was a British modernist author. The main focus of the research is on the integration of her work into various literary canons. Most of the attention was given to her novel Mrs Dalloway which is why her biographical data are also presented. They are vital for recognizing the autobiographical elements in the novel. The theoretical part of the thesis concentrates on various views of the literary canon and it presents discussions of the canon in various fields, namely: feminist, modernist and scholarly. The presentation of the condition of the western literary canon is based on Harold Bloom's theory. Bloom's own views of the criteria for the incorporation of a literary work into the canon are the basis for the definition of the canon and its criteria. All the criteria were considered in the thesis and used in the analysis of the novel Mrs Dalloway. The aesthetic value is one of the most important criterion of them all. It comprises the following: figurative (metaphorical) language, originality, unusualness, ambiguity, the effect of foreignness and more strenuous pleasure. Intertextuality and topicality were also taken into account in the analysis. The latter was observed through the test of time and the meaning of rereading the text. The novel meets all the criteria so it belongs to the literary canon. But it mostly belongs there because of the following three: perfect modernist procedure, feminist ideas and the novel's poetry.
Secondary keywords: literary canon;modernism;feminism;literary studies;literary lesson;Mrs Dalloway;master theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za slovanske jezike in književnosti
Pages: I, 112 f.
ID: 8716192
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