magistrsko delo
Janez Polanc (Author), Niko Samec (Mentor), Aleš Kadunc (Co-mentor)


Les je eden izmed najbolj pomembnih obnovljivih materialov. Kot odpadek se pojavlja v lesni proizvodnji, lahko ga ponovno uporabimo za lesne izdelke ali pa v energetske namene. Odpadni les, ki je kontaminiran s strupenimi zaščitnimi pripravki, lahko predstavlja tveganje za okolje, zato ga je potrebno pred energetsko izrabo »očistiti« strupenih polutantov. Za razliko od odpadnega lesa gozdni sečni ostanki niso kontaminirani z zaščitnimi pripravki in predstavljajo t. i. »čisto energijo«. V okviru raziskovalnega dela magistrske naloge smo proučili smotrnost izrabe gozdnih sečnih ostankov v gozdnogospodarskem območju Bled. Opravili smo analizo količin in strukture sečnih ostankov ter ekonomsko ovrednotili stroške proizvodnje. Predstavili smo model izračuna stroškov koriščenja vrhačev iglavcev in njegov pomen ter ekološke omejitve izrabe gozdnih sečnih ostankov. Predstavili smo tudi energijske vrednosti gozdnih sečnih ostankov in napravili primerjavo izkoristljivosti njihove energije glede na druge energente. Iz rezultatov raziskovalnega dela lahko zaključimo, da je pridobivanje gozdnih sečnih ostankov, gledano le z ekonomskega vidika, smiselno. Pomembna postavka pridobivanja gozdnih sečnih ostankov je tudi naravovarstveni vidik, zato smo v nalogi predlagali, da bi se združila nemški model izračuna stroškov za posamezno sečišče in švedski model izračuna količin pepela iz sečnih ostankov. Na ta način bi se lahko izognili možnim konfliktom, ki bodo nastali z vse hitrejšim razvojem gozdarske tehnologije in s tem povezanimi različnimi mnenji gozdarskih strokovnjakov o omejitvah izrabe sečnih ostankov.


odpadni les;zaščita lesa;strojna sečnja;sečni ostanki;ekonomika proizvodnje;kurilnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [J. Polanc]
UDC: 502.174.3:662.63(043)
COBISS: 3172006 Link will open in a new window
Views: 0
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Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Wood and (forest) logging residues as fuel
Secondary abstract: Wood is one of the most important renewable materials. In its waste form it occurs in wood industry where it can be re-used either for wood products or for energy generation. However, waste wood contaminated by toxic preservatives can be hazardous to environment and has to be ‘cleansed’ of toxic pollutants before it can be re-used as energy product. In comparison to waste wood, logging residues are not contaminated by pollutants, which is why they are called 'clean' energy. The research part of the master thesis focused on the viability study of logging residues in the forest management district of Bled. Quantity analysis was conducted as well as the analysis of logging residues structure. Also, production costs were assessed in economic terms. A model for the cost calculation of coniferous trees crowns is presented, as well as the significance and environmental concerns regarding the utilization of logging residues. In the thesis, their energy values are presented, as well as a comparison of their utilization rate of energy in comparison to other energy products. Drawing on the results of the research it can be concluded that, economically speaking, logging residues utilizations is sensible. However, when using logging residues environmental and natural protection factors play a major role. This is why a combination of the German model for calculating costs of a harvesting place, and the Swedish model of calculating quantities of ashes from logging residues should be considered. By doing so, many possible conflicts arising from the fast pace of logging technology development and from different views by forestry experts about the limitations of the logging residues use could be avoided.
Secondary keywords: waste wood;impregnation of wood;machine harvesting;looging residues;economics of forestry production;calorific value;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo
Pages: X, 110 str.
ID: 8716241