delo diplomskega seminarja
Marina Viher (Author), Duško Uršič (Mentor)


Kot že večkrat poudarjeno je treba v življenju in na delovnem mestu paziti na konflikte, s tem predvsem mislim, da jih omejimo, saj se jim popolnoma izogniti ni mogoče. Zakaj nebi našo energijo in čas raje preusmerili iz misli na konflikt sam na miselnost, kako bi si pridobili sposobnost za obvladovanjem le-teh. Na delovnem mestu je ta lastnost ne le dobrodošla ampak nujna za nemoteno delovanje podjetja. Ker si v podjetju velikokrat na žalost ne moremo zbirati s kom bomo delali, si lahko pomagamo vsaj tako, da ljudi sprejmemo takšni, kot so in se raje posvetimo samokontroli sebe in ne spreminjanju drugih. V vsakodnevnem bi bilo dobro, če bi imeli več strpnosti do drugih in bi poskusili vsaj razumet (če se že ne strinjat) stališča nekoga drugega. Skozi diplomsko nalogo sem poskušala opredeliti konflikt sam, se pravi vzroke za nastanek, posledice in odzive ljudi. Ob tem sem spoznala, da določitev samega vzroka vedno ni lahka naloga in prav zato je tudi oteženo iskanje rešitve. Velikokrat pa je vzrok zelo jasen in zmotno bi lahko mislili, da je zaradi tega na dlani tudi uspešna rešitev. Najti pravo rešitev, še ne pomeni, da je konflikt rešen, saj se lahko zgodi, da se rešitev zaradi različnih dejavnikov ne more realizirati. Naš največji sovražnik je v današnjem času stres. Vsak človek se je vsaj enkrat znašel zaradi stresa v konfliktu. Če se stres stopnjuje se lahko prevesi v izgorevanje in preobremenjenost na delovnem mestu. Posledica pa je lahko upad storilnosti in delanje napak. V podjetju se mora že na začetku v temeljne cilje, vizijo in poslanstvo vključiti tudi motivacijski načrt zaposleni. S tem načinom bistveno pripomoremo k zmanjšanju stresa. Ljudje, ki se dobro počutijo na delovnem mestu so tudi bolj uspešni pri delu. V pristojnosti vodilnega v podjetju je, da neprestano bdi na ozračjem podjetja in spodbuja komunikacijo, saj je velikokrat kriva prav ta za nastanek konfliktov. Kadar konflikti nastanejo je pomembno, da jih gledamo na pozitiven način, torej izvlečemo iz njih najboljše, kar lahko. Če ne vidimo nekih konkretnih pozitivnih posledic pri konfliktu, je vsaj ena prisotna in sicer, da bomo ob naslednjem podobnem konfliktu vedeli kako ravnati.


organizacija;konflikti;čustvena inteligenca;reševanje problemov;miselni vzorci;medosebni odnosi;manager;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Viher]
UDC: 005.334.2
COBISS: 10739484 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2022
Downloads: 298
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Conflict management in the organization
Secondary abstract: As stated earlier, in life and at work to watch the conflict, this above all I believe it was limited as they can not be avoided completely. Why we would not our time and energy rather switch from thinking about the conflict itself on thinking how to gain the ability to control them. In the workplace, this property is not only welcome but essential for the smooth functioning of the company. Because in the company (often) unfortunately we can not collect with who we work, you can help at least to accept people as they are and prefer to devote themselves the self and not changing the other. The daily would be good if we had more tolerance for others and try to at least understand (if not accept) the position of someone else. Throughout the thesis I have tried to identify the conflict itself, the real causes of, consequences and responses of people. At the same time I realized that the determination of the cause itself is not always an easy task and it is therefore also difficult to find a solution. Often the cause is very clear and could mistakenly think that because of this obvious and effective solution. Finding the right solution, does not mean that the conflict is resolved, it can happen that a solution for a variety of factors can not be realized. Stress is probably our biggest enemy. Each man has found himself at least once due to stress in the conflict. If stress can intensify the burning tip and congestion in the workplace. The result is a drop in productivity and making mistakes. The company must at the outset the fundamental goals, vision and mission to include an incentive plan for employees. This method significantly help to reduce stress. People who feel comfortable in the workplace are more successful at work. The leader of a company is responsible to constantly oversees the business atmosphere and encourage communication, because that is also often cause for the conflict. When conflicts arise, it is important to be seen in a positive way, then pull out from them the best we can. If you do not see on some concrete positive outcomes of conflict, at least one is present, namely, that the next time we like to know how to handle conflict.
Secondary keywords: Type of conflict;emotional Intelligence;conflict of interest;brain samples;receiving conflict;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 55 str.
ID: 8716244
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