magistrsko delo
Andreja Kosi (Author), Mitja Kaligarič (Mentor), Nina Šajna (Co-mentor)


Namen naše raziskave je bil s pomočjo vzorčenja in proučevanja nekaterih enostavnih morfološko-funkcionalnih parametrov (višina rastlin, masa semen, število semen na plod, število plodov na rastlino) na primerkih vrste C. cava na treh geografsko različnih območjih (UZ Maribor, Spodnji Duplek, Pavlovci) pokazati negativni vpliv fragmentacije habitatov in populacij na te morfometrične parametre. S tem smo nakazali na zmanjšano viabilnost primerkov kot posledico fragmentacije. V raziskavo smo vključili popise, ki smo jih naredili leta 2006. Takrat je bilo na območju UZ Maribor najdenih 60 poligonov z vrsto C. cava. Na 3 poligonih so bila najdena rastišča tako belih kot tudi vijoličnocvetnih predstavnikov, na preostalih 57 poligonih pa le vijoličnocvetni predstavniki vrste. Na podlagi opravljenih popisov območja UZ Maribor smo ugotovili 6,7 % izgubo habitata vrste C. cava v le štirih letih. Ugotovili smo, da je število cvetočih osebkov C. cava v habitatnih fragmentih znotraj UZ Maribor odvisno od površine fragmenta. Število plodov na rastlino in masa semen kot najenostavnejša reproduktivna znaka izražata manjše vrednosti v maloštevilnih populacijah. Ugotovili smo, da se belocvetni primerki pojavljajo le znotraj velikih površin in da jih na manjših fragmentiranih površinah ni zaslediti. S tem sklepamo na negativni vpliv genetskega zdrsa ter na dolgoročno zmanjšanje variabilnosti v populaciji. Višina rastlin je v upadu pri obeh barvah. V upadu je tako število plodov na rastlino kot tudi število semen na plod, kar izraziteje velja za vijoličnocvetne primerke vrste. Tehtanje semen je pokazalo porast mase semen, kar je edini znak, v katerem je zazanati povišanje vrednosti na fragmentirani lokaciji v Spodnjem Dupleku.


botanika;habitati;fragmentacija;Corydalis cava;vzorčenje;morfometrija;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [A. Kosi]
UDC: 581.5(497.4-18)(043.2)
COBISS: 20021768 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2275
Downloads: 169
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The potential impact of the fragmentation of the habitat on viability on the case of Corydalis cava, (L.) Schweigger & Koerte; Fumariaceae
Secondary abstract: The purpose of our research was to indicate the negative influence of the fragmentation of habitats and populations on these morphometrical parameters with the help of sampling and studying of simple morphological-functional parameters (height of plants, mass of seeds, number of seeds per fruit, number of fruits per plant) on the samples of the C. cava species on three geographically diverse regions (UP of Maribor, Spodnji Duplek, Pavlovci). With that we indicated on the reduced viability of samples as the consequence of the fragmentation. All surveys done in 2006 were included in this research. Sixty ranges with the C. cava species were found then in the region of UP of Maribor. There were found the representatives of white and purple holewrts flowers at three ranges. At the remaining 57 ranges only the representatives of the species of purple flowers were found. On the basis of the surveys in the region of UP of Maribor, the loss of 6,7% of natural habitats of holewort was established in only four years. We estimated, that the number of flowering specimens of holewort in the habitat fragments within UP of Maribor depends on the surface area of the fragment. The number of fruits per plant, the number of seeds per fruit and the mass of seeds, as the simpliest reproductive signs, express lower values in populations that are small in number. We estimated, that white holewort flowers appear only within big surface areas and that they aren't traced on smaller fragmentary surface areas. According to this, we can conclude to the negative impact of genetic drift and to the long-term diminishing of variability in population.The height of plants is in decrease by both colours. There is also the decrease in the number of fruits per plant as well as the number of seeds per fruit, which outstandingly goes for purple flowers samples of the species.The weighing of the seeds showed the increase of the mass of the seeds, that is the only sign in which the increase of the value on the fragmentary location in Spodnji Duplek is perceived.
Secondary keywords: botany;habitats;fragmentation;Corydalis cava;morphological-functional parameters;master theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za biologijo
Pages: IX, 107 f.
ID: 8716773