diplomski izpit
Jernej Remic (Author), Borut Macuh (Mentor)


V diplomski nalogi je prikazan postopek izdelave geotehničnega poročila za stanovanjski objekt od začetnih meritev na terenu s terenskimi preiskavami pa vse do končnih rezultatov kabinetnih del z interpretacijo terenskih in laboratorijskih preiskav. V prvem delu projektne naloge so podani namen in metode izdelave geotehničnega poročila. Opisane so osnovne metode za določanje stabilnosti terena, načini temeljenja, terenske in laboratorijske preiskave, merilna ter programska oprema. V nadaljevanju smo izvedli dejanske meritve na terenu. Na podlagi izmerjenih podatkov s terena smo izrisali geotehnične profile. Nato smo ovrednotili merjene vrednosti in izračunali potrebne fizikalne karakteristike (kot so kohezija, strižni kot, modul stisljivosti,…) ter napetosti v tleh, pomike… Za določitev stabilnosti terena smo izvedli analizo stabilnosti. Na podlagi meritev, ogleda terena ter izračunov smo podali smernice za izvajanje zemeljskih del ter temeljenje objekta. Hkrati smo v poročilo dodali vse potrebne podatke za geotehnično poročilo. Ti so geološke in hidrološke osnove terena, reliefne značilnosti terena, podzemna voda, karakteristike zemljin, seizmične lastnosti.


geologija;geotehnika;stabilnost terena;analiza stabilnosti;geotehnično poročilo;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: [J. Remic]
UDC: 624.13
COBISS: 18094614 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2403
Downloads: 435
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Geotehnical report or residential building
Secondary abstract: The thesis shows the manufacturing process of geotechnical report for the residential building from the initial field measurements with field investigations all the way to the final results of the cabinet works to the interpretation of field and laboratory investigations. In the first part of the project work is given the purpose and the method of manufacture of geotechnical report. The basic methods for determining the stability of the terrain, foundation methods, field and laboratory testing, measuring equipment and software are described. In addition, we performed actual field measurements. Based on the measured field data, the geotechnical profiles were sketched. Then the measured values were evaluated and the necessary physical characteristics were calculated (such as cohesion, shear angle, compression module, etc.) and the vertical stresses in the soil movements were calculated. To determine the stability of the terrain, we carried out the stability analyses. Based on the measurements, field visit and calculations are provided guidelines for the implementation of earthworks and foundation building. At the same time, all the necessary information needed for the geotechnical report was added. These are geological and hydrological base terrain relief terrain features, ground water, soil characteristics, and seismic properties.
Secondary keywords: geotechnics;geology;stability analysis;geotechnical profile;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za gradbeništvo
Pages: V, f. 6-38
ID: 8724732
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