diplomsko delo
Manuela Šturm (Author), Zlatko Dežman (Mentor)


V zadnjem obdobju so se na področju kazenske zakonodaje odvile precejšnje spremembe tako v Republiki Sloveniji kot v Republiki Hrvaški. V tem sklopu je prišlo do velikih premikov tudi na področju medicinskih varnostnih ukrepov. V diplomskem delu se posvečam problematiki izvrševanja ukrepa obveznega psihiatričnega zdravljenja v Sloveniji in na Hrvaškem. V obeh državah se je pojavila težnja, naj bi ukrepi terapevtske narave prešli iz kazenskopravnega področja na civilno oziroma naj bi se osebe z duševnimi motnjami, ki so izvršile znake določenega kaznivega dejanja, obravnavale v skladu z določbami, ki urejajo področje duševnega zdravja. Tako predstavljam izkušnje obeh držav pri navedenih ˝podvigih˝ ter na podlagi tega skušam ugotoviti, katero področje prava lahko najustreznejše in najučinkoviteje obravnava storilce z duševnimi motnjami, izreka ukrepe terapevtske narave, med katere spada tudi ukrep obveznega psihiatričnega zdravljenja, ter bdi nad izvrševanjem le-teh. Skozi kratek zgodovinski pregled najprej predstavljam nastanek in razvoj terapevtskih varnostnih ukrepov, s poudarkom na ukrepu obveznega psihiatričnega zdravljenja. Pri tem nekoliko več pozornosti namenjam razvoju teh ukrepov na tleh nekdanje Jugoslavije. V nadaljevanju osvetljujem nekaj splošnih pojmov, ki so nujno povezani z obravnavano tematiko. Tu predstavljam splošni pojem ter namen ukrepa obveznega psihiatričnega zdravljenja. Nadalje pa sem opisala še pojem kaznivega dejanja ter pojem in načelo krivde, saj ti instituti (predvsem koncepcija krivde) močno vplivajo na ureditev varnostnih ukrepov kot tudi na dopustnost njihovega izrekanja. Nato posvečam še nekaj besed storilčevi nevarnosti, saj je le-ta merilo za uporabo obravnavanega ukrepa. Na koncu tega poglavja pa sem nekaj prostora namenila še razmerju med ukrepom obveznega psihiatričnega zdravljenja in kaznijo. Osrednja dela diplomske naloge pa sta poglavja o izvrševanju ukrepov obveznega psihiatričnega zdravljenja v Sloveniji in na Hrvaškem. Najprej obravnavam ureditev v Sloveniji, in sicer od ureditve po Kazenskem zakoniku iz leta 1994, preko kratke ˝ekskurzije˝ medicinskih varnostnih ukrepov iz področja kazenskega prava s sprejemom KZ-1 v letu 2008 pa do vrnitve teh ukrepov na področje kazenskega prava z novelo KZ-1B v letu 2011. Ob tem sem opozorila na probleme nove ureditve in nastalih pravnih praznin, nato pa sem se podrobneje posvetila obravnavi ukrepov obveznega psihiatričnega zdravljenja, ki sta se nekoliko dodelana in izboljšana ˝vrnila˝ v slovenski kazenski zakonik. Predstavila sem pogoje za uporabo obravnavanih ukrepov, postopek ter izvrševanje skozi določila izvršilnih predpisov ter Zakona o duševnem zdravju. Na koncu pa predstavljam izvrševanje ukrepov obveznega psihiatričnega zdravljenja v sosednji Hrvaški, ki je glede neprištevnih storilcev z začetkom leta 1998 prešla na civilni model obravnavanja le-teh. Ukrep obveznega psihiatričnega zdravljenja zoper to kategorijo storilcev ni več kazenska sankcija, ampak se izvršuje po določilih zakona, ki ureja duševno zdravje, ter tako njihov pravni položaj sodi v domeno civilnega prava. Ukrep obveznega psihiatričnega zdravljenja bistveno zmanjšano prištevnih storilcev kaznivih dejanj pa ostaja v okviru kazenskega prava in je kazenskopravna sankcija. Tudi pri sosedih pa ta prehod ni šel brez polemik in težav, zato sem osvetlila tudi njihove izkušnje ob teh vseobsegajočih spremembah. Je pa tudi hrvaški kazenskopravni sistem nedavno spet prešel skozi novo reformo, ki je prinesla izboljšave tudi na področju terapevtskih varnostnih ukrepov, v izdelavi pa je tudi novi zakon, ki ureja področje duševnega zdravja.


kazensko pravo;varnostni ukrep;obvezno psihiatrično zdravljenje;neprištevnost;bistveno zmanjšana prištevnost;krivda;nevarni storilec;psihiatrija;pravo;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [M. Šturm]
UDC: 343.3/.7(043.2)
COBISS: 4670251 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1920
Downloads: 167
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Lately, there have been significant changes in the criminal legislative area in both Republics, Slovenia and Croatia. In this context, great shifts have been brought about also in the field of medical safety measures. In my diploma thesis, attention is focused on the issue of enforcement the measure of compulsory psychiatric treatment in Slovenia and Croatia. The trend emerging in both countries tends to transpose the measures of therapeutic nature from the field of criminal law into civil law, implying that the persons with mental disorders who committed elements of certain criminal offence should be dealt in accordance with the provisions regulating the field of mental health. While presenting the experiences from both countries with the aforementioned ‘’undertaking’’, I am trying to determine which field of law may deal most appropriately and efficiently with the mentally disordered offenders, impose a sanction of therapeutic nature - including the measure of compulsory psychiatric treatment, and oversee the execution thereof. A brief historical overview shows the origin and evolution of therapeutic safety measures, focusing on the measure of compulsory psychiatric treatment. Concurrently, slightly greater attention is paid to the history of these measures in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. In the follow-up are highlighted some general notions that are indispensably related to the topic referred to herein, such as the general notion and the purpose of the measure ‘compulsory psychiatric treatment’. Also the notion ‘criminal offence’, the notion and principle of ‘guilt’, since these institutes (above all, the guilt conception) have a significant influence on the regulation of safety measures, as well as imposing the admissibility thereof. Reference is also made to the offender’s danger which is a criterion for applying the measure discussed. This section concludes with the proportion between the measure of compulsory psychiatric treatment and the sanction. The central part of the diploma thesis consists of two chapters on the execution of the measure of involuntary psychiatric treatment in Slovenia and Croatia. It opens with the description of the Slovenian regulation enacted in the Criminal Code 1994, through a short removal of medical security measures from the scope of criminal law upon the adoption of KZ-1 (Criminal Code amendment) in 2008, till the restitution of these measures to the criminal law by way of the act amending the Criminal Code KZ-1B in 2011. In the course of that I pointed to the problematic issues of the new regulation and the resulting legal vacuum, and focused on illustrating both measures of compulsory psychiatric treatment, which were, as accomplished and improved, "restituted" to the Slovenian Criminal Code. The terms required for the application of the respective measures, the procedure and execution under the provisions of the statutory instruments and the Mental Health Act are further presented. I conclude with the presentation of the enforcement of the compulsory psychiatric treatment measures in the neighbour country of Croatia, which started to apply a civil model for treating the non-responsible offenders with effect from 1998. The measure of compulsory psychiatric treatment against this category of offenders is no longer a penal sanction: instead, it is executed under the law regulating mental health and thus their legal position belongs to the domain of civil law. However, the safety measure of compulsory psychiatric treatment of offenders with essentially diminished responsibility remains in the scope of criminal law and represents a sanction of criminal law. That transition did not escape polemics and difficulties for our neighbours: therefore, I highlighted their experiences with these comprehensive changes. Moreover, the Croatian criminal law system has recently undergone a new reform bringing improvements to the scope of therapeutic safety measures too, and a new bill on mental health is being prepared.
Secondary keywords: Safety measures;compulsory psychiatric treatment;non-responsibility;essentially diminished responsibility;guilt;dangerous offender;psychiatry and law.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 109 f.
ID: 8724841