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Tina Cvahte (Author), Bojan Rosi (Mentor), Borut Jereb (Co-mentor)


Sistem Park&Ride je v urbanem kontekstu že dolgo časa uporabljan kot orodje za zmanjševanje prometa osebnih vozil v središčih mest. V nalogi sistem prek pregleda literature opišemo, analiziramo njegove ključne vidike ter poiščemo načine, kako njegovo implementacijo v realnem primeru čim bolj uspešno načrtovati ter izvesti. Ker je glavni cilj naloge predlagati, kako tovrsten sistem uvesti v mestu Maribor, ki se srečuje z vse večjim porastom prometa, v nalogi podamo tudi analizo demografskih, prometnih in prostorskih kazalnikov tega mesta. Predstavljeni so tudi rezultati raziskave med potencialnimi uporabniki sistema, ki se osredotoča na vplive različnih dejavnikov na izbiro modalitete prevoza za dnevna potovanja ter na odločitev o uporabi sistemov Park&Ride. Na podlagi izsledkov analize, ankete in pregleda literature podamo načrt za uvedbo sistema Park&Ride v kontekstu Maribora, ki vključuje več vidikov implementacije sistema, kot so načrtovanje parkirišč, povezav parkirišč s središčem mesta prek avtobusnih linij in nekaj dodatnih vidikov.


Park&Ride;preference uporabnikov pri prevozu;zmanjšanje prometa;Maribor;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FL - Faculty of Logistics
Publisher: [T. Cvahte]
UDC: 656.1(043.2)
COBISS: 512454461 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1684
Downloads: 228
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Planning the implementation of Park&Ride systems with the case of Maribor
Secondary abstract: Park&Ride systems have a long history of use in urban settings as a tool for reducing private car traffic in city centres. Using professional and scientific literature reviews, we describe, analyse crucial viewpoints of implementation and seek ways to implement Park&Ride systems as successfully as possible in actual real cases. Since the main goal of the thesis is to show how Park&Ride can be implemented in Maribor and contribute to solving the issue of increasing car traffic in its centre, a thorough analysis of demographic, traffic and spatial indicators is also performed. Moreover, a survey among Slovenian potential users of the system is presented, which focuses of different influences on users when deciding on which modalities to use for their daily trips and whether to use Park&Ride or not. Based on literature review, analysis of current indicators and survey findings, a plan for the implementation of Park&Ride in Maribor is given, which includes multiple viewpoints of the system implementation, such as parking lot design, bus connections of the lots with the city centre and some additional aspects.
Secondary keywords: Park&Ride;user transport preferences;traffic reduction;Maribor;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za logistiko Celje - Krško
Pages: X, 128 f., 9, [1] f. pril.
ID: 8724872