diplomsko delo
Tomaž Bizjak (Author), Breda Kegl (Mentor), Blaž Vajda (Co-mentor)


Namen diplomskega dela je dokazati oziroma ugotoviti vpliv biogoriva na razvoj in karakteristike curka goriva. S pomočjo zamrežitvenega valja, pravilne izbire gostote mreže in turbulentnega modela v programskem paketu FIRE smo izvedli numerične simulacije oziroma preračune za ugotavljanje primarnega razpada curka izbranega goriva. Ker v glavnih enačbah preračuna nastopajo empirične konstante Cn, ki v veliki meri vplivajo na glavne karakteristike in razpad curka goriva, smo se v samem diplomskem delu osredotočili predvsem na vpliv konstant C4 in C5. Pri tem smo naredil parametrično študijo obeh konstant ter s pomočjo uporabe različnih parametričnih vrednosti za obe konstanti izvedli numerične preračune pri dveh vrtilnih frekvencah odmične gredi. V rezultatih smo nato podali tako vizualne primerjave z obliko curka kot tudi grafične primerjave karakteristik curka obeh konstant za dizelsko gorivo ter vpliv konstante C4 pri biodizelskem gorivu. Po pregledu rezultatov lahko rečemo, da imata empirični konstanti za izbrano gorivo velik vpliv na razvoj in karakteristike curka.


motorji z notranjim zgorevanjem;dizelski motorji;biogoriva;biodizel;dizel;numerična simulacija curka;curek goriva;vbrizgavanje;razpad curka;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [T. Bizjak]
UDC: 621.436-6:532.525(043.2)
COBISS: 17113110 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1632
Downloads: 100
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Influence of biofuels on diesel fuel spray characteristics
Secondary abstract: The purpose of diploma work is to prove or establish the impact of biofuels on the development and characteristics of spray fuel. With meshed cylinder, correct choice of mesh density and turbulence model with program package FIRE, we performed numerical simulations and calculations to determine the primary spray breakup with selected fuel. Because the main equations contain perform of empirical constants Cn, which have largely affect on main characteristics and disintegration of the spray fuel, we had mainly focused on the impact of the constants C4 and C5. We made parametric study for both constants and by using different parametric values for both constants, carried out numerical calculations for two speeds of camshaft. The results were delivered by visual comparison with the shape of spray, as well as graphical comparison of spray characteristics for both constants for diesel fuel and the impact of the constant C4 with biodiesel. After reviewing the results, we can say that both empirical constants for selected fuel, has a major impact on the development and characteristics of spray.
Secondary keywords: diesel engines;fuel spray characteristics;biodiesel;biofuels;diesel;numerical simulation;injection;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo
Pages: VIII, 65 str.
ID: 8725749