diplomsko delo
Petra Povhe (Author), Bruno Završnik (Mentor)


Oglaševanju smo posredno ali neposredno izpostavljeni vsak dan. V širokem naboru oglaševalskih tehnik in kanalov komuniciranja so tiskani mediji pri odjemalcih še vedno na posebnem mestu. Bralci tiska aktivno iščejo informacije in obenem sprejemajo oglase kot njihov sestani del. Zaradi nasičenosti oglasnega prostora so barve pripomoček, s katerim naredimo tiskan oglas viden in drugačen od ostalih. So specifičen dejavnik, saj prenašajo sporočilo in prevzemajo potrošnikovo pozornost. Z barvami vzbujamo dražljaje, ki v nas sprožijo različna čustva in asociacije povezane z oglaševanim produktom. Raznolikost pomena barv v kulturah in s tem povezanega drugačnega dojemanja nalaga oblikovalcem oglasov premišljeno načrtovanje in uporabo posameznih barvnih kombinacij. Pravilno izbran barvni sestav pritegne potencialnega potrošnika in posledično vzbudi željo po nakupu izdelka ali storitve. Barve istočasno simbolizirajo vrednost blagovne znamke in so nepogrešljivo orodje oglaševalske industrije. Diplomsko delo zajema opredelitev oglaševanja v tiskanih medijih s poudarkom na pravilni izbiri barvnih kombinacij.




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [P. Povhe]
UDC: 659.132.2
COBISS: 11499548 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1648
Downloads: 157
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂrole of colours in print advertising
Secondary abstract: Advertising is a phenomenon that we confront on a daily basis, either directly or indirectly. In an extensive range of advertising techniques and communication channels, the print media still hold a special place in the eyes of consumers. The readers of print media actively look for pieces of information and at the same time accept ads as their constituent part. Given that advertising space is extremely saturated, advertisers use colors in order to make their printed ads more visible and different from others. Colors are specific factor because they transfer message and capture consumers' attention. Colors in an ad actually act as stimulus to which people respond because it provokes different emotions and associations linked to the advertised product. However, the diversity of meaning of different colors in different cultures and, consequently, diversified perception, sets a great challenge to the advertisers as they are required to plan their ads very thoughtfully and devote special attention to the choice of color combinations. Cleverly selected color combination attracts potential consumers and evokes desire to purchase the respective product or service. Moreover, colors symbolize the value of commercial brands and as such represent an indispensable instrument for advertising industry. This study deals with the definition of advertising in the print media with a particular emphasis on the correct choice of color combinations.
Secondary keywords: advertising;print media;printed ad;colors;color combinations;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 71 str.
ID: 8725810