diplomsko delo
Anita Mali (Author), Bruno Završnik (Mentor)


Dejstvo, da se pozicijsko geslo Novega mesta imenuje »Mesto situl«, kaže na to, kako pomembna je arheološka dediščina za naše mesto. Novo mesto celo zaseda pomembno mesto na evropskem arheološkem zemljevidu, kar pomeni določeno razlikovalno prednost, prepoznavnost in atraktivnost tudi za turiste. Ves čas obstoja Dolenjskega muzeja je bila stalna arheološka razstava njegov najpomembnejši in najprepoznavnejši del. Storitve Dolenjskega muzeja Novo mesto, ki je neprofitna kulturna ustanova, imajo kulturno-izobraževalni značaj. Z vidika marketinškega komuniciranja muzej za to, da bi predstavil arheološko dediščino svojim javnostim, uporablja vsa orodja marketinškega komuniciranja. In ravno dogodek odprtja nove stalne arheološke razstave je najpomembnejše orodje odnosov z javnostmi, ker je načrtovan, ima razpoznavno vsebino in se oglašuje v številnih medijih. Dogodek odprtja nove stalne arheološke razstave ni imel samo ugodnih komunikacijskih učinkov, ampak je prinesel tudi pozitivne poslovne učinke, saj se je število izdanih vstopnic za to razstavo od leta 2008, ko je bilo odprtje, do leta 2011 povečalo kar za 30 odstotkov.


muzeji;razstave;arheologija;storitve;dogodek;komuniciranje;tržno komuniciranje;odnosi z javnostjo;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [A. Mali]
UDC: 659.3:902
COBISS: 11501084 Link will open in a new window
Views: 968
Downloads: 69
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂanalysis of opening of the new permanent archaeological exhibition in Dolenjski muzej Novo mesto from the marketing communication point of view
Secondary abstract: The fact that the position slogan of Novo mesto is »The Town of Situlae« shows how important archaeological heritage is for our town. What is more Novo mesto occupies an important position on the European archaeological map, which gives the town a distinctive advantage and makes it recognisable and attractive to tourists. Permanent archaeological exhibition has been the most important and best recognised feature of Dolenjska Museum for its entire existence. The services of Dolenjska Museum Novo mesto, which is a non-profit cultural institution, have cultural-educational character. From the marketing communication point of view the museum uses all marketing communication tools to present archaeological heritage to its publics. The new permanent archaeological exhibition's opening event is the most important tool of public relations because it is planned, has recognizable contents and is well advertised in several media. The new permanent archaeological exhibition's opening event did not only have the satisfactory communication effect but also brought positive economic results, namely there was a 30 percent rise of ticket edition from the year 2008, when the exhibition was opened, to year 2011.
Secondary keywords: museum;archaeological exhibition;service;cultural institution;marketing communication;public relations;event;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 46 str.
ID: 8725852