diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo
Marko Vehovar (Author), Marjan Miklavčič (Mentor)


Diplomska naloga Povezljivost terorizma in obveščevalnih služb prikazuje, kako sta omenjena pojma medsebojno povezana. Saj tako kot delo obveščevalno-varnostnih služb vpliva na terorizem, tudi delovanje terorističnih organizacij vpliva na samo taktiko in delovanje obveščevalnih služb ter hkrati tudi na spreminjanje zakonodaje za preprečevanje terorizma in lažje delo obveščevalnih služb. Glede na porast terorizma je danes preprečevanje le-tega zelo pomembno za nacionalno in mednarodno varnost. V tem času ne more nihče reči, da je varen pred teroristi in njihovimi napadi. Živimo namreč v globalnem svetu, kjer je za uspešen boj proti terorizmu zelo pomembno sodelovanje obveščevalno-varnostnih služb tako na nacionalni kot na mednarodni ravni. Boj proti terorizmu je v zadnjem času postal primarna naloga obveščevalno-varnostnih služb. V tej nalogi bo predstavljena zgodovina terorizma in obveščevalnih služb od samega začetka do danes. Glede na ugotovitve o razvoju terorizma skozi zgodovino do danes se dotaknemo tudi terorizma v prihodnosti. Videli bomo, da sta obveščevalna dejavnost in terorizem stara kot samo človeštvo, vendar se je njuno delovanje spreminjalo skozi zgodovino. Pri tem pa bo opaziti medsebojni vpliv in posledično prilagajanje enega drugemu. Predstavljeni bodo tudi vzroki za nastanek terorizma, priprava in izvedba akcij teroristične organizacije ter potencialne poti iz terorizma. Obenem bo prikazano tudi delo obveščevalnih služb danes, in sicer s predstavitvijo slovenskih obveščevalnih služb Slovenske obveščevalno–varnostne agencije (SOVA) in Obveščevalno–varnostne službe Ministrstva za obrambo Republike Slovenije (OVS MORS). Ker je danes v ospredju varovanje človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin, bo predstavljena tudi pravna podlaga Republike Slovenije za delovanje obveščevalno–varnostnih služb v Republiki Sloveniji ter nadzorstvo nad njimi.


terorizem;teroristični napadi;obveščevalne službe;obveščevalna dejavnost;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: M. Vehovar]
UDC: 351.746.1:343.3(043.2)
COBISS: 2625770 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1268
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The thesis paper Correlation of terrorism and intelligence agencies shows how the mentioned concepts interconnect. The work of the intelligence and security services has an impact on terrorism just as the terrorist organizations and their operations have an impact on the tactics and activities of intelligence services, and also on the changing the laws for the prevention of terrorism and to facilitate the work of the intelligence services. Given the increase in terrorism today, the prevention of terrorism is very important for national and international security. At this time no one can say that they are safe from terrorists and their attacks. We live in a global world where successful counter-terrorism co-operation of intelligence and security services both at national and international levels is very important. The fight against terrorism has become the primary task of the intelligence and security services in recent times. In this paper the history of terrorism and intelligence services from the very beginning to the present will be presented. According to the findings on the development of terrorism through history up to now we touch on terrorism in the future. We will see that intelligence and terrorism are as old as mankind, but their operations changed throughout history. The interactions between them and the consequent adjustment to one another will be noticeable. The causes of terrorism, preparation and execution of terrorist actions and the potential paths of terrorism will also be presented. At the same time the work of the intelligence services today will be shown with the presentation of the intelligence services of the Slovene intelligence and security agency (SOVA) and the Intelligence and Security Department of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia (OVS MORS). Since the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms is at the forefront today the legal basis of the Republic of Slovenia for the functioning of the intelligence and security services in the Republic of Slovenia and the supervision of them will be presented.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 44 str.
ID: 8725860
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