diplomsko delo
Sašo Fluher (Author), Iztok Palčič (Mentor), Duško Uršič (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu je predstavljena uvedba proizvodnega procesa tabletiranja v podjetju Turna d.o.o.. Težava, ki se pojavi med življenjsko dobo vakuumsko-izolacijskih panelov (VIP) je, da skozi folijo prehaja plin in vlaga, kar zvišuje notranji tlak in posledično dviguje toplotno prevodnost. Rezultati testiranj so pokazali, da vstavljanje granulata kalcijevega oksida (CaO) kot absorberja vlage v panel preprečuje dvigovanje notranjega tlaka in višanje toplotne prevodnosti. Vstavljanje CaO med plasti jedra panela povzroča odtis na površju vakuumsko-izolacijskega panela. Rešitev, ki je predstavljena v diplomskem delu, je v vstavitvi absorberja CaO v obliki tablete, ki se vstavi v posebej za to predviden prostor v jedru vakuumsko-izolacijskega panela. Tak način vstavitve pripomore k lažji manipulaciji CaO, boljši kvaliteti ter izgledu samega vakuumsko-izolacijskega panela. Izdelana tableta je primerne velikosti in želene teže ter kvalitete, saj ni opaziti kapičenja, ki je posledica prevelike sile na tabletirno maso. V sklopu celovitega obravnavanja uvedba proizvodnega procesa tabletiranja v podjetju Turna d.o.o., je opravljena tudi kalkulacija stroškov izdelave tablete. Zaključiti je, da je lastna proizvodnja smiselna, saj je izdelana tableta štiri ali večkrat ugodnejša od konkurenčnih izdelkov.


organizacija proizvodnje;proizvodni management;proizvodni procesi;tabletiranje;izolacijski paneli;vakuumski izolacijski panel;absorber;izdelava tablet;kalkulacija stroškov;tabletirni stroj;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [S. Fluher]
UDC: 658.51+657.474.5(043.2)
COBISS: 17139734 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1758
Downloads: 146
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Introduction of the production process of tableting in company Turna d.o.o.
Secondary abstract: Diploma thesis deals with introduction of the production process of tableting in company Turna d.o.o.. Problem which is occurring throughout the lifetime of vacuum-insulated panels (VIP) is that gas and moisture passes through foil, which increases the internal pressure and consequently raises thermal conductivity. The test results showed that the insertion of calcium oxide (CaO) in granulated form as the absorber of moisture into the panel prevents rising of internal pressure and an increase of thermal conductivity. Insertion of CaO between the layers of core of the panel leaves imprint on the surface of vacuum-insulated panels. The solution presented in the thesis is the insertion of the absorber CaO in the form of a tablet. It is inserted into specially provided space in the core of the vacuum-insulation panel. This method of insertion ease the manipulation of CaO, contributes to a better quality and to the look of vacuum-insulation panel. Produced tablet is an appropriate size, and the desired weight and quality, since any capping is noticeable, which is due to an excessive force on tableting material. Within the overall approach of the production process of tableting in company Turna d.o.o. it also includes cost calculation of producing tablets. From this calculation it can be concluded that self-produced tablet is reasonable because it is four or more times less expensive than competitive products.
Secondary keywords: production management;production processes;tableting;vacuum insulation panel;cost calculation;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo, Gospodarsko inženirstvo
Pages: VIII, 42 f.
ID: 8726083