(diplomsko delo)
Izhodišče. Rak dojke je vse pogostejša bolezen žensk, čeprav lahko zbolijo tudi moški. Rak dojke ne boli, znaki raka dojke se lahko pokažejo sami ali pa jih zaznamo s samopregledom. Nastane kot posledica različnih dejavnikov iz okolja. Zdravi se lahko kirurško, sistemsko ali z obsevanjem.
Namen. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti rak dojke in s pomočjo študije primera zdravstveno nego in vlogo medicinske sestre pri pacientki z rakom dojke, zdravljene operativno, z obsevanjem in s citostatiki.
Metodologija raziskovanja. V diplomskem delu je uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela. Podatke o pacientki smo pridobili v obliki intervjuja s pomočjo delno strukturiranega vprašalnika. Informacije o pacientki smo pridobili tudi z opazovanjem in ocenjevanjem pacientkinega stanja in iz medicinske dokumentacije. V raziskovalni vzorec smo zajeli pacientko z rakom dojke, ki je bila zdravljena operativno, z obsevanjem in s citostatiki. Raziskavo smo izvedli v pacientkinem domačem okolju, septembra 2012.
Rezultati. Ugotovili smo, da pacientko z rakom dojke najbolj bremeni nezadovoljstvo z izgledom telesa, strah in bolečina. Spoznali smo tudi, da se pri pacientki pojavljajo čustvene težave kot so prizadetost, zaskrbljenost, potrtost, prestrašenost, odklanjanje določenih stikov, zmanjšana komunikacija v družbi in zbujanje ponoči. Prišli smo do ugotovitve, da ima zdravljenje vpliv na telo, kazala se je utrujenost in motnje v gibanju.
Sklep. Čustvene in fizične spremembe ob zdravljenju obolelih za rakom dojke bistveno vplivajo na kakovost njihovega življenja, vendar v odvisnosti od poznavanja bolezni, sprejemanja bolezni in pripravljenosti živeti z njo.
dojke;rak;zdravljenje;zdravstvena nega;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2013 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences |
Publisher: |
[V. Zamuda] |
UDC: |
618.19-006:616-083(043.2) |
Views: |
2789 |
Downloads: |
411 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Nursing care of patients with breast cancer |
Secondary abstract: |
Starting point. Breast cancer is an increasingly frequent disease in women, but it can also occur in men. Breast cancer doesn’t hurt; it may manifest itself through various signs or it can be detected by self-examination. Breast cancer is a result of various environmental factors. Patients affected by it can undergo surgical or systemic treatment or radiation therapy.
Purpose. The purpose of the diploma thesis is to present breast cancer, and through a case study also healthcare and the role of a nurse in a breast cancer patient, treated surgically, with radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
Research methodology. This diploma thesis uses the descriptive work method. Information on the patient was obtained in the form of an interview by means of a partially structured questionnaire. Information on the patient was also obtained by observation and assessment of the patient’s condition and medical documentation. The research sample comprises the breast cancer patient that underwent surgical treatment, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. The research took place in September 2012 in the patient’s home.
Results. We came to the conclusion that the breast cancer patient is particularly affected by body image dissatisfaction, fear and pain. We also established that the patient is suffering from emotional problems, such as distress, concern, depression, fright, refusal to make certain contacts, reduced communication in public and sleepless nights. Further, we also established that the treatment significantly affects the body and there were also signs of fatigue and movement disorders.
Conclusion. Emotional and physical changes that accompany treatments of breast cancer patients have a major impact on the quality of their life; however, the degree of impact depends on disease awareness, acceptance of the disease and readiness to live with it. |
Secondary keywords: |
breast;cancer;treatment;healthcare; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak.za zdravstvene vede |
Pages: |
VI, 41 f., 7 f. pril. |
ID: |
8726144 |