(diplomsko delo)
Marjan Zupanič (Author), Mateja Lorber (Mentor)


Dajanje terapije danes jemljemo zdravstveni delavci kot rutinski poseg. Vendar aplikacija zdravil nikoli ni le rutinski poseg, ampak zahteva znanja iz farmakologije, anatomije, fiziologije, patologije, ter strokovnost, natančnost, odgovornost… Navsezadnje moramo vedeti, kaj delamo, zakaj in kako delamo, kaj se dogaja pri dajanju terapije in kaj se lahko bolniku ali poškodovancu tudi ob tem zgodi. Diplomsko delo temelji na teoretični deskriptivni metodi dela v katerem smo s slovensko in tujo literaturo predstavili pomen poznavanja in varne uporabe zdravil v nujni medicinski pomoči med reševalci v zdravstvu. Glavni namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti katera vrste zdravil in stranske učinke bi moral poznati reševalec, delovanje zdravil, način dajanja in pravočasno ter ustrezno ukrepanje. Izpostavili smo pomen pravilnega shranjevanja zdravil v reševalnem vozilu, pomen timskega dela, komunikacije, kompetenc, etične moralne odgovornosti. Opisali smo pomen pravočasnega in pravilnega dokumentiranja ter pasti in nevarnosti v prehospitalnem okolju in kazenske odgovornosti v primeru preseganja kompetenc in incidenta.


mujna medicinska pomoč;reševalci;aplikacija zdravil;prehospitalna enota;komunikacija;tim;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [M. Zupanič]
UDC: 616-083.98(043.2)
COBISS: 1933988 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1781
Downloads: 685
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Knowledge and safe use of drugs in the hands of the paramedics
Secondary abstract: Giving therapy is for medical workers a routine procedure. However, it is much more than that. The knowledge of pharmacology, anatomy, physiology, pathology, as well as proffesionalism, precision and responsibility are needed here. Nevertheless, we have to know, why, what and how to give therapy and what might happen to the patient while giving one. My graduate paper is based on theoretical - descriptive method in which we, with the help of Slovene and foreign literature, described the meaning of handling and safe usage of medicine among the emergency medical services. The main purpose is to present the types of medicine and their side effects each member of emergency medical services should be familiar with, as well as how to administer the medicine, their function, the different ways of giving medicine and the correct action when something goes wrong. We have pinpointed the correct storage of medicine in an ambulance vehicle, the meaning of teamwork, communication, competencies and ethical - moral responsibility. We described the meaning of on time and correct documenting, the dangers of prehospital environment and legal responsibility when exceeding the competencies and incident.
Secondary keywords: emergency medical service;rescuer;application of medicine;prehospital unit;communication;team;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: 59 f.
ID: 8726214