diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Obveščevalna dejavnost je potrebna tako v miru kot v vojni. V mirnem času spremlja, analizira in napoveduje varnostne in vojaško-politične razmere v državah, ki so strateško pomembne, saj so uspehi v vojni praviloma odvisni od naših početij v miru. Analiziranje in proučevanje političnih ciljev je pomembno, saj so vojaški spopadi oziroma grožnje njihove posledice. Naloga obveščevalne dejavnosti je pravočasno zaznavanje ogrožanja varnosti države, proučevanje tujih oboroženih sil, njihove oborožitve, strategije in taktike ter njunih predvidenih ciljev ob morebitnem oboroženem spopadu.
Obveščevalna dejavnost je bistvena komponenta vseh vojaških moči. Obstaja na vseh nivojih poveljevanja v podporo poveljnikom in drugim pri učinkovitih odločitvah, s tem ko jih oskrbujejo s pravočasnimi in točnimi razumevanji nasprotne strani v spopadu in operativnega okolja. Pri vsaki operaciji je potrebno načrtovanje in upanje v uspešnost zbranih informacij o nasprotniku in okolju, kar postane obveščevalna informacija. Enako pomembno je delovanje proti nasprotniku, tj. odvzemanje njihovih možnosti priti do znanj o naših lastnih dejanjih, ukrepanjih, zmožnostih in namerah.
Obveščevalna dejavnost je v vojaškem kontekstu produkt našega vedenja in razumevanja fizičnega okolja; vremena, demografskih značilnosti in kulture na območju operacij, o aktivnostih, zmožnostih in namerah resnične ali bodoče potencialne grožnje oziroma katerega koli drugega bitja ali situacije.
Vojaška obveščevalna dejavnost je temeljna dejavnost načrtovanja, vodenja operacij in uveljavljanja preventivne zaščite sil med vsemi fazami in razsežnostmi spopadov oziroma konflikta. Obveščevalna dejavnost omogoča poveljniku nadzor nad situacijo in pregled nad skrivnostmi okolja. Na drugi strani pa daje poveljniku s tem tudi večjo odgovornost. Poveljnikova dolžnost je namreč poskrbeti, da se zbere dovolj informacij, ki so na razpolago v danem času napada, da se prepreči povzročitev kolateralne škode civilnemu prebivalstvu oziroma čimvečjo zaščito svojim oboroženim silam.
Obveščevalna dejavnost oskrbi poveljnika z ocenami o nasprotnikovih zmožnostih in dejanjih, kot tudi o pričakovanih oziroma možnih nasprotnikovih potekov akcij, premikov, centrov zgoščenih sil in točk ranljivosti. Posedovanje učinkovite in uspešne obveščevalne dejavnosti lahko primpomore h kritični strateški, operativni in taktični prednosti pred sovražnikom, s tem ko ima poveljnik vpogled v nasprotnikov krog oziroma sistem odločanja, kar privede do sposobnosti hitrejšega delovanja in odzivanja kot nasprotnik. Poveljnik lahko tako načrtuje operacije, ki temeljijo na vsakem znanju, ki bo zmanjšalo tveganje njegov enot in vojakov na bojišču pri izvajanju operacij ter povečalo možnosti za uspeh pri napadih.
Vsak poveljnik vodi obveščevalno dejavnost. Poveljnik mora “peljati” obveščevalni proces. Tudi tedaj kadar ima svoje obveščevalne enote oziroma oddelke, ki mu svetujejo, mora imeti jasno razumevanje o prednostih in omejitvah obveščevalnega procesa. Vsak čas mora snovati kratke, jasne zahteve po obveščevalne dejavnosti in jih razlagati v skladu s kontekstom svoje misije (Joint Doctrine Manual of the Canadian forces, 2013).
obveščevalna dejavnosti;obveščevalne službe;oboroženi spopadi;diplomske naloge;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2013 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice |
Publisher: |
A. Pečnik] |
UDC: |
351.746.1(043.2) |
Views: |
1476 |
Downloads: |
173 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary abstract: |
Intelligence activity is essential in peace-time and in war. In peace-time intelligence activity escorts, analyses and predicts security and military-political situation in the strategically important states, because the success in war depends on our behaviour in peace-time. Very important is analyzing and researching the political aims, because armed conflicts or war-threats are their consequences. The task of intelligence activity is timely perception of security threats towards some country, investigation of foreign armed forces, their armament, strategy, tactics and expected targets in the eventual armed conflict.
Intelligence activity is needed part of all military forces. It exists at all levels of command as the support to the commanders and others for the effective making of decisions with providing them the timely and accurate understandings of the adversaries and other operative environment. Every operation requires planning and successful collection of information about the adversaries and environment, the intelligence information. All activities against the adversary that aim at seizuring him everykind of possibility to get the knowledge about his own actions, steps, measures, capabilities or purposes are also very important.
Intelligence activity in the military context is the product of our behaviour and understanding of the physical environment: weather, demographic characteristics and culture in the area of military operations, about actions, capabilities and intentions of real or future potential threats, or any other being or situation.
Military intelligence activity is basic activity of planning, conducting the operations and putting into force the preventive force protection during all phases and extensivenesses of war and operational engagements in the armed conflicts. Military intelligence activity enables the commander to have control over situations and examination of the environmental secrets. On the other hand military intelligence activity establishes the commander higher and stronger responsibility. Commanders obligation is therefore to take care of the collection of enough information, which are available in the time of the attack to prevent the causing of collateral damage to civilian population respectively on the other hand the largest force protection possible to his own armed forces. Intelligence activity supplies the commander with estimations about the adversarys capabilities and actions, as well as with expected or possible courses of actions of the adversaries, shiftings and centres, where forces of the adversary are concentrated and the most vulnerable.
The possession of the effective and efficient intelligence activity contributes to crucial strategic, operational and tactical advantage of us over the adversary. With the commanders insight into the adversarys circle and system of making of the decisions and conducting the troops, he gets the abilities of faster actioning and responding than the adversary. The commander can thus plan the operations, which are founded on everykind of knowledge that could reduce the risk to his units and soldiers in the battle-field when executing the military operations. This increases the possibilities for the success in the attacks.
Every military commander coordinates the intelligence activity and must direct the intelligence process. Even in times, when the commander has his own intelligence units or detachments to counsel him, he must have clear understanding of the advantages and limitations of the intelligence process. Any time, the commander must scheme short and clear requests for the intelligence activity and interprete them in accordance with the context of his mission (Joint Doctrine Manual of the Canadian Forces, 2013). |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana |
Pages: |
87 str. |
ID: |
8726243 |