(diplomsko delo)
Doris Kuzma (Author), Milica Lahe (Mentor), Barbara Kegl (Co-mentor)


Telesna aktivnost je nepogrešljiv element zdravega življenjskega sloga, krepitve in ohranjanja zdravja. Posebej pomembna je v obdobju rasti in razvoja otrok. Telesna dejavnost je dokazano koristna za zdravje ter ustrezni telesni, psihološki in čustveni razvoj otrok in mladostnikov. In obratno, nezadostna telesna aktivnost ima številne negativne posledice za zdravje in razvoj otroka. K večji telesni aktivnosti otrok lahko veliko pripomorejo starši in predvsem medicinske sestre, saj opravljajo naloge, ki pospešujejo in ohranjajo zdravje, ter naloge, ki preprečujejo ogrožanje zdravja. Metodologija raziskovanja: Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, ali so starši dovolj seznanjeni s pomenom telesne aktivnosti za zdrav razvoj otroka in koliko so otroci telesno aktivni. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 60 naključno izbranih staršev otrok, ki obiskujejo vrtec Plavček na Tišini. Raziskava je temeljila na kvantitativni metodi dela. Anketni vprašalnik je bil sestavljen iz treh splošnih vprašanj in sedemnajstih zaprtih in polzaprtih vprašanj. Dobljene rezultate smo statistično obdelali in jih grafično prikazali s pomočjo programa Microsoft Office Excel. Rezultati: Rezultati so pokazali, da je večina anketiranih staršev 2 do 3 krat na teden telesno aktivnih skupaj s svojimi otroki, najpogosteje ob vikendih, in to v naravi. Kljub temu jih večina priznava, da bi lahko bili s svojim otrokom bolj telesno aktivni. Manj spodbudni so rezultati, ki ocenjujejo delo medicinske sestre, saj ti kažejo, da večine anketiranih staršev ob obisku zdravstvenih ustanov medicinska sestra ni seznanila s pomenom in vrsto telesne aktivnosti, ki pripomore k zdravemu razvoju otroka. Anketirani tudi menijo, da bi morale medicinske sestre bolj osveščati starše o pomenu telesne aktivnosti za zdrav razvoj otroka. Vlogo medicinske sestre pri skrbi in seznanjenosti s pomenom telesne aktivnost za zdravje otrok pa ocenjujejo kot dobro. Sklep: Na podlagi analize rezultatov smo zaključili, da anketirani starši sicer skrbijo za telesno aktivnost svojih otrok, vendar priznavajo, da bi lahko bolj. Z delom medicinskih sester na področju telesne aktivnosti za zdrav razvoj otroka anketirani niso zadovoljni, saj menijo, da od njih ne dobijo dovolj informacij.


zdravje;razvoj;otroci;telesna aktivnost;starši;medicinske sestre;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [D. Kuzma]
UDC: 796.035-053.2(043.2)
COBISS: 1935780 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2440
Downloads: 396
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Physical exercise is an indispensable part of our lifestyle in order to strengthen and maintain the quality of life and health. It has a significant impact on a child’s growth and its development. It is also confirmed that it is very beneficial to health and physical, psychological and emotional development in adolescence. But insufficient physical exercise increases health risks for children in many ways. A lot can be done by parents and nurses. Nurses perform several tasks which accelerate and maintain health, and at the same time they try to prevent and avoid some health problems. Research methodology: The aim of the research was to establish parental knowledge about the physical exercise of a child for its healthy development and physical activity. 60 coincidentally selected parents, whose children attend kindergarten Plavček in Tišina, participated in the research. The research was done by using the quantitative method. A survey questionnaire consisted of three general (introductory) questions and seventeen closed and half-closed questions. The statistical analysis of data is shown in graphs using Microsoft Office Excel. Results: The results have shown that most of the interviewed parents are together with their children physically active twice or three times per day, mostly outdoors and particularly at the weekends. But most of them also admit the lack of physical activity together with their children. Less stimulative are the results which estimate nurse’s job because parents weren’t told about the importance and kinds of physical activity at the health care centre by a nurse. Interviewed parents have views on the fact that nurses should make parents more aware of the importance of physical exercise for the child’s growth, and they also estimate the nurse’s role as good in giving some appropriate information to them. Conclusion: The conclusion is based on the analysis of information and it shows that interviewed parents provide enough physical exercise for their children, but at the same time they admit the lack of their physical exercise and the awareness of doing more. Parents aren’t very pleased with the activeness of the nurses in the field of the physical exercise, because they don’t provide them enough information.
Secondary keywords: health;development;child;physical exercise;parent;nurse;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: V, 47 f., 7 f. pril.
ID: 8726254