delo diplomskega seminarja
Aleš Petek (Author), Mojca Duh (Mentor)


V Sloveniji je kar polovica podjetij družinskih. Za uspešno vodenje družinskega podjetja je potrebno veliko potrpežljivosti, medsebojnega razumevanja in usklajevanje interesov. Da bi družinski člani cenili vrednote družinskega podjetja je dobro da se po končanem izobraževanju zaposlijo v drugem podjetju. To je pomembno predvsem zato, da se mlad še neuveljaven človek nauči odgovornosti, da se izkaže v drugem okolju ter ga začno ceniti tudi drugje, da dokaže da je lahko samostojen, da lahko sam preživi. V družinskih podjetjih pa velikokrat pride tudi do nesoglasij med člani družine, zato je dobro da imajo družinski člani napisano t.i. družinsko ustavo, po kateri se ravnajo. V njej je tudi zapisano kako se bo izvajal proces nasledstva, pod kakšnimi pogoji se lahko moji sorodniki zaposlijo. Pomembno je tudi da svetovalec ne izhaja iz družine, saj lahko le tako dobimo objektivno razmišljanje. Zelo pomembno je tudi, da se družinsko podjetje čimbolj ukvarja z interesi družinskega podjetja in njegovo prihodnostjo ne pa de ga najbolj zanima kateremu izmed članov bo izročil dirigentsko palico družinskega podjetja. Diplomski seminar smo razdelili na dva vsebinska dela, na teoretičen in praktičen del. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili različice definicij družinskega podjetja, primerjali smo razlike med družinskim in poslovnim sistemom in ugotovili, da družinski temelji bolj na čustvih ter se npr. kljub neizpolnjevanju ciljev družinskih članov vedno najde t.i. druga priložnost, medtem ko v poslovnem sistemu tega ni. Obravnavali smo tudi prednosti in pomanjkljivosti v družinskem podjetju, večji pomen pa smo namenili izbiri in oblikovanju politike družinskega podjetja, saj je le s pravilno zastavljeno politiko možno uspešno voditi družinsko podjetje ter omogočati njeno rast, razvoj in stabilnost. Za vse omenjeno pa je nujno usklajevanje interesov znotraj družinskega podjetja. V praktičnem delu diplomskega seminarja smo predstavili razvoj družinskega podjetja skozi čas. Kako je prevzem zdajšnjega lastnika vplival na rast in prepoznavnost njihovih izdelkov. Predstavili smo tudi za kakšno politiko se je lastnik odločil, kaj vse je potrebno storiti za dosego določenega cilja ter kako je pri njih potekal proces nasledstva.


družinsko podjetje;planiranje poslovanja;politika podjetja;nasledstvo;vizija;cilj;poslanstvo;razvoj podjetja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [A. Petek]
UDC: 334.722.24
COBISS: 11508252 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1265
Downloads: 94
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Planning the policy of the familiy business Kocbek
Secondary abstract: In Slovenia, half of businesses are family owned. It takes a lot of patience, mutual understanding and reconciliation of the interests for a successful management of the family business. It is good that after completion of education you get employed in another company in order to appreciate the family values of a family business This is particularly important because it teaches a young person responsibility, he proves himself in another environment and so he can be to appreciated elsewhere, to prove that it can be self-contained, that he can survive alone. In family businesses it can often lead to disagreements between family members, so it's good to have a written family constitution, according to which they adhere. In it also states how the process of succession will implement, under what conditions can a relative be employed. It is also important that the consultant does not come from the family, as this is the only way to get an objective reflection. It is also important to find a family owned company engaged in the interests of the family business and its future rather than be most interested in which hands the family business will be handed over. I divided my graduate seminar into two substantive works, the theoretical and practical part. In the theoretical part we present versions of the definitions of family businesses, we compared the differences between the family and the business system and found out that a family business is based more on feelings, unachievability of goals is tolerated because a member of the family can get a second chance, while in the financial system, you cannot. We discussed the advantages and disadvantages in the family business, greater importance was given to the selection and policy-making family business, since it is in their policy to correctly run a successful family business and enable its growth, development and stability. For all the above, it is necessary to reconcile the interests within the family business. In the practical part of the thesis we present the development of a family business over time. We examine how the takeover of the current owner effected on the growth and visibility of their products. We have also presented the policy by which the owner has run his business, what needs to be done to achieve a specific goal and how the succession was carried out in his family.
Secondary keywords: Keywords: family business;planning;succession;vision;mission;objectives;goals-based development of the company;examine the values of the environment;a family business Kocbek;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 40 str.
ID: 8726304